The Industry is reluctant to admit the PHG/franchise is the devil

OK, so ive said this before and ill say it again.
There has always been the allure of watching Predator films to see what the “NEW” predator has to offer.
That said, this is what the game has over every other game on the market.
Every predator that comes into a match making session has something to offer.
The anticipation on knowing what class it is and what they are carrying as a weapon is epically the thing that keeps us playing again and again.

For the devs not to understand this is an acknowledgement of not understanding what Pro Wrestling was all about.

I’m sure you all agree with me.

Wouldn’t you say the same about Evolve monsters or DbD villains? In any asymmetrical you want to know what the build is because it reveals info about play style options. Same can be said more or less about every pvp game.

On the other hand I think pred players are more worried to see if there are Dante’s and Reckless specs on FT. If they carry saw-z, pistol or tracking device (I forget the name)

Clearly not. no body knows about evolve until it came out and they didn’t make films about it and toys.
Are you saying The Predator franchise isn’t as popular as I think it is and nobody knows what they are are or what they are doing on the gaming market? I think i’m not dillusional.
I think what you’re trying to say is that many gaming companies struggle with making popular PVP titles for people to give a shit about, and making games in general unless its a franchise because otherwise, it will be a tough struggle if nobody understands the fruit of their own IP. but one that was an actual film/comic/paperback novel/ franchise for decades had proven itself in the horror sci-fi entertainment market seems to be everyone best bet for longevity.

With Evolve, it starts and ends with that one and only product.
With PHG, they basically ran out of money, came into legal copyrights for a period of time and this stalled the growth of PHG. To which one could legitimately say that it ended when they stopped developing the classes and various tools to manage classes. This made every other DLC seem like a fan mod rather than an actual dlc event.

I read that incorrectly. Ok, evolve does not count, but DbD works the same way as there could be anticipation over the villain build considering most have had multiple movies showing new weapons/powers.

yeah but the dev time on the actual game actually looks balls on Dbd. its clunky,janky and has low brow interest at best.the design of it is clearly based on management of a ps2 based title.

True to an extent, but was still very popular for a long time in the early years.

clearly not the beast.

Never played or watched enough so I can’t argue either way about the level of popularity.

Listen, all i can say is that if PHG 2 comes out with a high tide on customization of classes and re-justifying consoles against other console in balancing acts, we are in for a serious
game that satisfies.
So long as the gaming community doesn’t make mods because that all goes to shit when everyone pirates everyone elses models and paints it a dirty color then 5 other douches paint it with a dirty color and then dlcs become pirated and everyone gets them for free.

Thats why when people want to advocate for community modifications like some nerd from the 90s, you know everyone will pirate all the dlcs like those filthy russian dudes who already pirates these games.

Luckly PHG hasn’t been pirated what with all its strict online regulations.

and what I’m saying about customizing management, i mean that CLASSES need to be unique. With independant voices, masks, body types, body paints, and not 20 of the same old shit body colors on all the classes.

There will definitely be high anticipation for phg2, but I would still bet that it would be plagued by bugs and glitches especially because illfonic is not equipped to handle such level of graphical detail. After all this time, they still have no idea how to make the game balanced so I would not expect them to succeed on that end as well. It’s going to be a mediocre product followed by cash grab DLCs

You’re speaking to devs right now!
If you know and I know what could be done, it could be done.
THEY just don’t have the time and money for it.
If we are discussing it in masses, its quite possible they are actually reading it.

It’s not even about the time and money in my opinion. All they need to do is release a vid showing how to play FT properly as a team, even without comms. Top 10 tactical tips. Then they can buff pred appropriately and nerf FT weapons. As far as money is concerned, a ranked mode would do wonders to set matches for appropriate skill level.

Nearly every patch would introduce more bugs than it fixed. I would say that’s a tech issue, not a money issue. Just do things right, at a minimum, but right. They never seem to test their updates either. How many blue screen or crashes over the years?

Then why are they in this business if they can’t release a good product?

Its too convoluted. They need a better game to let all platforms play together with balancing auto mandated. And it may not be the solution that people like but it may be the dumbed down answer that people need to stick with. Because the way I see it, it may just be an issue of the K/M players having too much of an advantage.
Hell I’d put my money if they depricate the game as an FPS and just plainly make it 3rd person vs 3rd person.

Its clear that bugs its an effort, but its not impossible to fix them. You have poor judgement of how things are made, only that your understanding of how to manage damage control of public opinion seems to be your only solution.

Again, merely stating that console contrrollers and kb/m are the only problems here, there should be an key indicator that a player type should be identified and not to cut one platform out from the other should be clear.

There’s not my solution, it is theirs. I want for players to have a good understanding of what is required of them to play the game. They on the other hand do damage control by changing a few statistical parameters, but not fixing the real problem.

My bet, is that they will make it like Aliens FireTeam elite. Not sure how well that will do since were not up against AI Preds or AI Fireteams.
Slowing the gamepace down seems like the most likeliest approach.

I mean you will still keep the co-op elements, you’re might not get the Predator being all that fast.

FTE has almost no vertical gameplay. That would really limit the core gameplay of phg.

FTE is nice, but it’s a horde manager. That requires tactics too, but instead of a few intelligent AI, is dozens of brainless ones. Still a popular genre when done properly tho

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Like if Predatorr was as slow playing in 3rd person in Resident Evil 4. This is still something we haven’t seen. And I agree, slowing it down will mean deprecating the antics and comedy that was PHG which wasn’t alot, it was mainly the stupid Stargazer units providing ample ragdoll moments. So I think there won’t be much lost here if game makers manage to come up with new ways to entertain but in the 3rd person realm. And possibly allowing for hordes of something else in PHG.


Phg has jumping and climbing on both sides of gameplay that allow for more degree of movement and evasiveness. It a free roaming map. FTE is almost a flat landscape with bottleneck corridors.

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