For my next request, I would like to see if there’s any fireteam players who can successfully pull off a jetstream attack on regular hunts. What’s the jetstream attack you ask? Well, say no more. Videos are provided.

Here’s how NOT to perform a jetstream attack:

Here’s how to perform a successful jet stream attack:

Challenge requirements:
*Equip the largest knife
*3 bazookas/grenade launchers/rocket launchers
*Front must have a flash bang/anti stealth/or any kind of disabling grenades that ruin predator vision and quickly switch to melee
*Middle must use a goddam Zook
*Rear Must be melee
*Use only said equipments to perform Jetstream attack formation and nothing else
*You may use slight changes to make it more effective but must remain faithful to the formation based upon.
*Must be performed by 3 people ideally but 4 is fine.

That’s the challenge. Any of you premades insane and pro enough to pull that challenge off?