The KING is Live Streaming

Oh, shit. I never knew that. 🤦‍♂️

That’s a good point.

Saw him ban you live man, kinda rough lol

I think all his ‘problems’ can be summed up to using a screenshot someone made on a private lobby?-- Builds that he, you and others make can feel very seamless


Well I think of it as a false king when he says “I’m the Best” and I’m like dude your average at least like me, Sam or BladeMaster are more skilled then him.

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Oh I was also banned from his Discord when I was talking to someone about RVB. Guess he doesn’t like anyone who’s also a YouTuber anywhere near his platform, afraid to be outshined or something idk

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Reminds me of a few people before they done a 180 about this game 🤔

I think it’s just the normalcy: i.e. I won’t mention my streaming socials etc during someone’s livestream (even though only one guy brought your streamer status to light, first). As self-centered as it sounds, unless the streamer permits the promotion of others, their stream revolves around them.

Do you know if this was after your ban from his youtube? maybe he recognized your name from his chat?

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It could be possible, I got banned before I could try and stop people from noticing me on the YouTube Live. I think once the stream was done and he went to discord he found me and instantly booted me.

Also yeah I’m not gonna promote my works on others streams unless they ask or someone recognizes me. I’ll give a “Hello” or “how are you” just interacting, idk I tried to stop it before it could get out of hand but that didn’t seem to work😅

Yeah you seem like a chill guy.

I had to watch it retrospectively on the VOD. I actually alt-tabbed for a sec and heard him mention it, then seeing your message deleted… pretty much me --> :0

I think your last comment was the “road to 1k” line?

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Yeah, sharing how I’m almost to 1K after the person I was talking to said he wished me luck for 900 milestone