The KING is Live Streaming

Come watch and say he only beats potatoes

Which king is this , oh him 😁

Haha I see mls went to troll his chat already, he lost a match to some randoms and went to call them insane players just cus they turn around when he makes noise behind them lol.

I wonder his reaction to full pc premade. Would have no idea how to react.

Is he still running Samurai of all things? Wasn’t even aware he still tried to grift off of this game.

Probably will call them stream snipers, he went close quarters in caves on excavation and got melted before I left last night, dude is speaking complete gibberish about balance and it’s hard to listen to I end up just muting him instead because what he’s saying is so outlandishly inaccurate

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He called me a stream sniper over a year ago when I played vs him solo lol

With 4 players like me he would probably go with accusation of aimbot and wallhacks.


LOL I found the match on Excavation, he went full potato mode and died by using melee inside the caves then goes to accuse the randoms of “literally stream sniping”

Stream sniping doesn’t even work on this game unless its on discord, cus twitch and youtube have a delay, I had premades watching my stream while playing vs them as I could hear my voice on their mics and it never helped them.

Those people have no idea how the game works at all, bunch of day 1 OG potatos.

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He’s 100 times better than that yankee p-willie though.


Honestly noobs are better than p willie but when it comes to clash nobody and I mean nobody can dominant the goat himself


No, he sucks



The Vikings have come a long way.
Björn Ironside is very proud of his descendants.

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Jfc poor guy 😂😂

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Isnt he Australian?

Yeah not much of a fun guy, had a lot to say about people of the forum (mostly negative) then bashed people who tried to make it on YouTube with this game, he even chewed me out when a fan recognized me in the chat and then got a hissy fit when the chat where talking about me saying “no self promoting”. Even wanted to see his discord which was hella strict and after having fun with a few people on there they kicked me out.

Man doesn’t like the spotlight to be taken off him for a second it seems

Any premade/coordinated team.

To this day, I cannot wrap my head around why he got chosen by “the algorithm.”

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Because he has the most views and more subscribers, YouTube doesn’t care about what problems the YouTubers have done to be where they are, as long as they have the numbers to back it up.

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He already had like 20k subs and almost a 10 year old yt channel before PHG. YT algorithm always help bigger channels + clickbaits/overtop lies attract the ignorant naive crowd. Informative content is not entertaining to kids.


It must have something to do with being first to have a large audience. Plus the accent and the big LETTERS on the thumbnails. Also, all the ridiculous, “insert weapon” is OP, and he always made builds that referenced something “popular” at the time. He’s probably not too bad at the game just because of hours played, but he just seems so scummy and ingenuous to me.

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