The Lazy Legacy.

I dont think illfonic gonna change anything but maybe improve,all of these ideas are good ideas… @Fire your idea is good improvement for current “Hunt lol” mode cause gameplay is really fast paced
@Lazycollinator Lazy your rework is simply a new game mode, stealthy and slow where every mistake you do cost your life but everyone have chance to defend themselfs but Pred have to be patient and smart

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Dam straight. Dont forget the daily does of Git Gud

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James Cameron is dear friends with Billywitchdoctor. com.

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@Lazycollinator i demand you tell me what you think so far.

Well how the fuck am I supposed to know if you didnt @ me on the post?

Lmao I fkn clicked respond on your post, your notification shoulda told you I did.there you go.

Oh shit im blind 1 sec

On paper my greatest concern is that increased pred stats are almost certainly gonna result in fireteams getting wiped in the first 5. Even if they are coordinated. Different ft classes arent gonna balance that out either.

We can increase ft health a bit if we have too.
Except for recon and scout, I really dont feel the need to one shot the ft.

And speaking of which, I’m really starting to not see the point on having a recon and a scout.
In any other game they’re the same fkn thing.

But ya I’m trying to make the fight last longer, so neither side, ideally, would die in a matter of seconds.
I want it to feel like a boss fight.

There was a post made not too long by someone trying to make it more realistic, and everyone dies fast as hell.
If we did that, I’d say fuck it and give the pred his lock on energy blast lol.


If everyone dies fast people will certainly play less stupid. So I mean thats always been my mindset. You wanna for pred into not rushing? Nerf his health. But he needs to have a high ttk on them too.

See tho, I’ve never had a problem with preds rushing, and I wish movement and melee were smoother cause I would love to take out the ft in a movie scene like fashion, dodging and dancing around them, instead of using only jumps and leaps.

Because for this game I’d prefer to play with melee.
I know everyone thinks all preds stalk and what not, and I’m sure most do, but I’m sure there are Yautja who
Take down their target in a more skill focused way, and not simply by ambushing them.

But this is probably just cause I love playing games like dmc and kh where the characters have a lot of options in their arsenal.

Idk. Ft being so simple makes it hard to add anything cool.

Berzerker should be that pred tbh. But hes got less stamina than my cave dwelling ass

Nah zerk should be a slower tank.
More of a reckless style.
Were he kinda just powers through shit.

Il be pissed the fuck off if a fat bulky piece of shit is the one who gets all the cool movements.

I mean hes the one thats supposed to be melee focused. None of them should be classified as tank. Thats a dumb ass way to work it.

But a bulky fat fuck moving around skillfully and not like a powerhouse would look fucking retarded.

Having a tank would would make classes feel different.

But I dont give a shit anymore man.
I’m tired of ppl wanting different shit.
All the differences in wants for this game just fkn annoys me.

Ppl are never going to get on the same page, so its pointless.

And I dont have the energy to try and convince ppl that my ideas would work.

It be a different story if I was purely going off what I wanted for myself only. But I’m thinking of making it balanced for everyone.

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I mean pred classes need to be similar in health and damage to some extent. Unlike ft. Because ft has teamates. Every pred class needs to be standalone. And not op. If pred is too tanky. He cant be doing the same damage.

Im not saying your ideas wont work. But with such a short post I cant see the full picture.

Then make him a full blown dps. Like akuma from street fighter. Hits harder, has advanced moves, but takes increased damage.

But I picture the zerk more like Hugo from street fighter 3rd strike. Hits hard, but moves slow.

I just don’t care anymore lol.
After illfonic ignored my post about changing guns to projectiles, I stopped seeing a point.

Such a simple basic change. That a lot of ppl wanted, ignored.
Which I think would make it easier to hit pred with fully automatic guns lol.

Snipers might be harder to land. Idk. Idc.

I’m just going to go full enemy of predator of fans and make non stop post demanding xenomorphs get put in the game.

I want to crawl around and spit acid.
Tail whip a motherfucker.

Tbh tho fire. Projectile ft weapons are only gonna increase the chances that ft are getting memed by bugs and glitches too

Good! Fuck ft players!

Lol well. Its not my fault illfonic cant fix and make their game work properly.

Idk man. I just dont care anymore lol.
Not enough to give any feedback.