A long time ago in a Onion Field far far away.
Just so happen to be a old battle field, and in that Field only One Onion Grew and became the shit Talker Supreme! The Onion Baron of Slurs. Sir.Jerker of Tears. Thy Foul Onion Breathe.
I was once told there was a Large sum of Players who hate me.
Plz add to the list.
I shall start
@REYNOSO_FUA11 because I bring the worst out in him.
@Forever_Mello because I never have any Ammo
@ArtforBlood His Alpha was the First “official Alpha on the Grounds”
@P-willie2000 butt thirsty lover
@Finessology Debbie downer
@KayneLucard Samurai Brothers
@VENN7eance your dam Ninja Creed
@CCD_Wuffell Fire Cry make you angry
Fire cause I cant @ him!!!
@Kassinaillia for being New!
Okay plz add to this list of why you hate me!