the mask is locked despite me owning the dlc

so I was looking through what I have and the mask is relocked despite me owning the dlc for it

Same here

What platform are you both playing on?
Also, is it just the mr. Black mask cosmetic you cant acces or the class as well?

steam and just the mask, also the falconer mask says it’s locked but let’s me use it like it isn’t

I am playing on PC/Steam. I can access the class, but the mask is locked. The mask is equipped if i select the class, but i have to unlock it again in order to choose a shader.

Ok, thank you. I will get this over to our team to investigate.

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No feral predator ps4

on xbox. same here bought dlc with mr black can’t use any of them, just brings me to purchase menu again but says it’s downloaded already. can’t use the whole class

It showed all my DLC as locked as well

All I had to do was go into the PS store and essentially reinstall them and they were no longer locked