The net gun is very powerful. It somewhat outshines the other weapons. Maybe limit the number of uses and increase the reload time. Overall balance is great. People who think the predator is weak are not taking their time to hunt and are probably rushing into a bunch of enemies and getting mowed down.
The net gun
Sorry dude but I have to straight up disagree with you. Maybe you haven’t played many matches or come across enough decent fireteams? For my first 6 matches, the fireteams were noob and i beat them easily, so I was thinking similar to you. But soon after fireteams starting getting experienced with how to play the game, after a certain point it reversed entirely.
I’ve played with many different strategies with 30+ games by now. The overall balance is not great. I have taken my time on many matches, the result is the same every time. If i am against noob fireteam then its a win, i can take my time and be careful because they don’t know what they’re doing. If i am against average or above fireteam then i lose no matter what. If you take too long to attack they simply run off across the map full sprint, complete the objective and exfil within minutes.
If you rush in, usually you get mowed down. That’s true. But even if you carefully take pot shots at them from cover, a cliff or rooftop. If the fireteam has decent aim they can usually deal more damage to you in that time. Or they just straight up run after you, pull the minigun out and mow you down.
The netgun is a good weapon I agree. But in some situations it can really suck. If you are in any area where there is alot of clutter then the nets will just break on hitboxes of junk before hitting the target. If you use heat vision when this happens its difficult to tell the net broke instead of hitting the target. Also I would say its very hard to hit decent fireteam players that are sprinting and strafing. If you miss 1 net, they have enough time to take away 1/3 of your HP while you reload and that’s just 1 fireteam member, if all 4 are shooting at you then you’re in real trouble. I would also argue that its way too easy to break out of the net.
Anyways keep playing and see after many games if you still think the game is balanced. Have fun dude!
You can ez camp them by the Chopper? You can ez kill them while they trying to get on the ropes? And besided they get shoots from the ai…
gosh, so many bad Predplayers here complaining they are not overpowered…
What even is this reply? Do you EVEN play as the Predator? There is no “ez” way to kill the Fireteam.
Even with all 4 going for the ropes, you only have time to down 1 of them, and most good players make sure the Predator gets pushed back before they even touch the ropes. Now im a good Predator player and i know all the tricks now, i still cannot kill the Fireteam with “ez”, not how it works.
As for Predator needing nerf or buffs? He is fine, the Fireteam is the problem, htye have way too many ways to replenish themselves and the AI isnt a threat. PLay the Predator well and DONT go into melee rampages, you will be good.
You, son of a…
Yes son of a Dragon and a King yes you are right
At least I can say my feelings on the net gun haven’t changed much. Although, the overall balance has definitely shifted from one year ago.
Net gun is weak and sucks against good fire team players.
It needs (1 active) modifier that can improve it just like how the fire team gets for their weapons.
My ideas for making the net gun a lot more usable
•fast reload
•takes two knife hits to break free from.
•shoots longer distance.
Fuck tha net gun! …it’s fucking useless against a good team.