Disappointment :(
The New Lazy Questionnaire 1 for game version 2.0 (Please answer ALL THE DAMN QUESTIONS, and bump after finishing.)
I’ll take it, disappointed is better than disowned, 😁
Cause you love me. :3
I kinda didint know what to pick between who’s the most powerful. I really think it’s pretty much based on the skill of either sides. I’ve seen some god tier FT squads and some god tier Predators. I’ve also been in matches where it’s been god tier vs god tier. Shit gets intense.
@Lazycollinator Considering the devs did take notice of your last gameplay balance post I think you have the right intentions behind this poll, its good to collect data on this because at this point feedback and community is what is going to make or break this game balance wise, I do agree with being more stealth focused mostly due to way the current mechanics that are currently present, the core foundation for stealth is there I think, it is either not properly implemented or not as deep to be effective. A matter of fact this game has good core foundation laid so far and from what the recent balance changes that have been made, I think they might be leaning more stealth focused slowly but surely, they might also be trying to level playing field with more creative and tacticle approaches with the current perk changes, so at this point I think were at stand still and the next patch or next few patches will solidify what the devs are going for, then again I could overthinking and being a complete idiot and overlooking things idk this is just what ive seen/realized on balance standpoint.