They lied to us all. They are going to release it tomorrow or Tuesday… pretty much less than a week away from October.
The new map comes in October
you’re wrong they are releasing it in an hour. Or October 1st 12 am minus 5 minutes.
September 30th is not October 😂
What did they lie about, the maps on schedule or was 3 days ago?
Did something change or are you just having a fit?
Wait they gave a definite release date other than later in September?
Legally speaking you’re wrong. Almost October is still September. Honestly if they’re delaying the map/mode update to fix all the crashes I’m good with that
Some people don’t understand how months and dates work obviously.
I want to get high now! I’ll be that guy in the new map, standing still and staring into the jungle…he’s out there man!
Damn y’all must be thick head if your taking this literally. Don’t pop a blood vessel there lol
We are less than a week from October and they were like your getting it in September… big lmfao yea on the last day of September? These devs need to get their affairs in order lol
So you’re just being a drama queen with your ‘They lied to us’ and ‘New Map comes in October’ BS thread title. Jeez this place.
You do realize you rage posted nonsense… right?
Lmfao y’all some but hurt little children. Every single one of you knows exactly what I mean don’t get cute. I’m simply showing how out of touch with reality this company is. New map ain’t saving this game…
Maybe…maybe not. Won’t know till we see it in the next few days
Says the guy who posts a ranting thread because the developers haven’t released the map/mode yet.
This thread is as dumb as Trump, and we’re all dumber for having bothered to click on it.
Lmfao “dumb as trump” I bet you love him being president. You have nothing valid to argue so you bring up random bullshit 😂 I bet your like the rest of the rioters out there. Get ready for another 4 years lol
Most likely paid dlc will be in October, since Dutch 87 was Setember dlc, and correct me if im wrong they have been working on the rest of the 2020s content as well, according to OKH.
Edit heres the post
This is so funny lol
You say others here are triggered but have you seen your comments to them? Hell the title alone makes you the most triggered here.
So triggered for someone who claims to be finished with the game
Doesn’t bother me you have an imbecile for a President. I fortunately don’t live in the US.
As for valid argument - what was yours again? Oh yes, the Devs lied and the map is released in October… ok MAGA man! sighs