The perfect replacement for the optional mission (Predator Killer)

so first of all I want to say the optional mission doesnt provide any real benefit for completing it and in most cases its just randomly done if the pred isnt nearby. So I had this thought in a different thread about the Interview Illfonic recently just had and the discussion was about new pred content and as we all know we all love that but the fireteam needs some love to if you want people to play the fireteam and make matchmacking better for everbody. My idea is this I think most of us here on this forum watched the Upgrade Predator movie which everyone despises yeah exactly that one. In Winter we will be getting two new preds so I thought what if they could add the Super Predator that guy who nobody feared in the movie and Im not talking about the other small guy Im talking about the big guy. And the other one would be a pred on the fireteam side, you might think eeyo thats not how this game works but Im here to tell you that in the last scenes of the movie we see a few scenes about the Predator Killer which is human like iron man suit but in a predator style which is ONLY for humans made. So if we think about it we potentially could have a fireteam predator but how? Its easy just replace the useless optional mission cargo which drops from heaven and replace it with this suit for the fireteam. Simple, cool and adds a whole new element to the game. Now all of a sudden people will gladly play fireteam because they know if theyre first at the cargo they can potentially obtain the suit and have a real chance against the pred on 1v1 as in late we know most likely 1 or 2 fireteam members or there is just even a last one. This is in my opinion the perfect replacement for a cool new mechanic optimizing the late stage of the game which offers a fun and interesting plot twist to the game. This ladies and gentlemen would make the game 100% better as there is always the possibility to play as the predator in a predator game like what do you want more. I really hope Illfonic considers this as this would exite players to even play the fireteam isnt that what they want this would solve so many problems progression and gameplay wise. I know I probably wont be heard but I think this would help develop the game in a better direction. Ok now I stop yapping thanks for reading and let me know what do you think you like this idea or you think its bullshit