Ok didn’t need his entire lower dropped on me but okay.
I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say he’s from Warhammer 40K, am I in the right ball park

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Yes! Gosh wish I could give prizes for people winning my trivia

I know a very very small amount of Warhammer lore. Just barely enough to understand what’s going on, but not enough to have a full conversation about it

I did love this


Here are some games with him, curing the Hunting Grounds!

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Third match!

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I have seen it, and was a great animation


It was can’t wait for their next project to release

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I’m very excited for that as well


M A T C H 4

See screenshot of the day for video highlight:
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Here educate yourself

Finally! Was hoping you’d respond lol

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GN: Fool, the more corpses you kill will decay and be born anew to serve me slopping noises

Even your empire will fall to me BWAHAHAHA

This pretty much sums everything I already know.
As, damn do I miss TotalBiscuit

Ok now here’s a update

  • Cadia Fell

  • Warmaster Abaddons failed black crusades were actually planned destroying these black pylons keeping the eye of terror at bay, now a great rift has been made where the galaxy is split in two

  • Robutte Guilliman Returns from Status and starts a crusade to terra, defends Terra against Magnus (now a pretty bird lol) and launches the indomitus crusade

There’s more but you have to find out for yourself 😓

Actually this will do 😁

I appreciate the education but I don’t think I’m ever going to get that into Warhammer 40K.
I wouldn’t mind getting “some” more lore in the form of a video game, like the Hack n Slash game (haven’t played it btw)

You mean space marine? You’ll still get lost especially when they use references, you see you just need to find out why you like it and you can start there, for me it was the God Emperor and his Angels of death, the sound of human altered giants from the dna of God who fear nothing and can kill everything just appealed to me 😁

Fucking hell this got derailed harder than the map.
(Not hating on Warhammer 40K, just wrong thread. Actually, please make a Warhammer thread so I can get into the lore, as it sounds rather interesting).

Plague Doctor will cure those who seek to tell the Predator how to play and otherwise are bitches.

I’m using this because the thread got as you said derailed harder than Derailed

Have you played any other matches as the Doctor

Yes, I need to upload to YT though.