Alright, there’s been a plague in this game, and on the forums:
B I T C H . A S S . F T . M E M B E R S .
As such, the PLAGUE DOCTOR is here to cure the pestilence!

I’ll upload some videos of his destruction later!


Let me know when you’re done so I can play the game again


Why not burn away the plague

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This is true, he shall use his burner/caster to clear out the infected! As well as his trusty Plague Doctor Cane and Bow!

@BadBlood If you’re on PC you are safe, if on PS4/5, do not be afraid, he will cure you.

I don’t want screenshot of the day to get shut down

SCP containment breach reference lol

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In retrospect probably a good idea not to @ the forbidden one, I’ll request it is only one reply from him.

Also, you know I had to do the crossover with Plague Doctor and SCP-049!
Who knows, maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a SCP parody account as well.
Perhaps when the forbidden one is banned, the account owner will make a SCP parody account. Maybe a Dr. Bright account or something?

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I’d actually prefer an SCP account
Who know maybe it’ll be SCP 096, 1471, 939, or another other SCPs

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I feel like that would be too easy to do

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  1. True
  2. Well, I know the Herbert account’s real identity, I’ll message him to see if he would be interested. If not I might make another alt for it.

Nurgle laughs at your attempt to be a DOCTOR


I have no idea what that is or where it’s from

Nurgle loves new converts

Nurgle , also known as the Plague Lord or the Plague God , is the Chaos God of disease, decay, despair, death and destruction. In particular, the emotion of despair in mortals empowers the Plague God.

Nurgle is known also as “Grandfather Nurgle,” the “Lord of Pestilence” and the “Lord of Decay.” It is the third of the Chaos Gods to fully awake within the Warp, emerging during the 2nd Millennium in the midst of Terra’s European Middle Ages, as great plagues swept across the world heralding the god’s birth.

Nurgle is the Chaos God most directly involved with the plights of mortals, particularly humans who suffer so acutely from a fear of death, perhaps the oldest fear of that species, or any other. While Nurgle is the god of death and decay, it is also the god of rebirth. Decay is simply one part of the cycle of life, without which no new life could grow. In the same way, Nurgle is also the god of perseverance and survival.

While those who wish to spread decay and corruption are certainly amongst its followers, there are also those who wish to endure, to become resilient enough to handle the difficulties and opportunities presented by an uncaring universe. Many of those affected by Nurgle’s poxes usually turn to it in order to escape the pain and sheer despair caused by sickness and disease.

Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption and death. Even the process of creation is but the precursor to destruction and decay. The bastion of today is tomorrow’s ruin, the maiden of the morning is the crone of the night, and the hope of a moment is but the foundation of regret.

Though Nurgle is the creator of every infection and epidemic to have ever swept the universe, Nurgle is not a morose purveyor of despair and gloom, but a vibrant god of life and laughter. In death, there is life. Upon the decay of the living untold numbers of bacteria, viruses, insects and other carrion-feeders thrive.

All life feeds upon other life to exist, and from every plague grows new generations, stronger and more virile than those who came before. Regeneration comes from decay, just as hope springs from despair. The greatest inspiration comes in the darkest moments; in times of crisis mortals are truly tested and driven to excel.

Grandfather Nurgle.jpg

Grandfather Nurgle within his vile Garden in the Realm of Chaos.

To understand what might otherwise seem contradictory or even perverse in nature, one must first comprehend that which Nurgle embodies. On the one hand, it is the Lord of Decay, whose body is wracked with disease; on the other, the god is full of unexpected energy and a desire to organise and enlighten.

The citizens of the Imperium know full well that their lives will end one day and that many of their number will live with disease or other torments in the meantime, yet they drive this knowledge deep into the corners of their minds and bury it with dreams and ceaseless activity.

Nurgle is the embodiment of that knowledge of mortality and the unconscious response of all sentient beings to the knowledge of their own ending. It is the hidden fear of disease and decay, the gnawing truth of mortality and the power of defiance that it generates.

Nurgle itself takes the form of a titanic flesh-hulk riddled with decay and pestilence. Its gigantic carcass is bloated with corruption and exudes an overpowering stench that gnaws the mind. Its skin is greenish, leathery and necrotic, its surface abundant with running sores, swelling boils and fruitful infestation.

Nurgle’s gurgling and pulsating organs are rank with the excrement of decay, spilling and spurting through its ruptured skin to hang like obscene fruit around its girth.

From these organs burst swarms of tiny Nurglings that chew on Grandfather Nurgle’s rotting intestines and suck upon its bountiful, noxious juices.

Every single human being in the galaxy has been touched by Nurgle’s foetid hand at some point. Countless trillions are host to its malignant, invisible creations, which corrupt their physical forms and sow despair in their minds. Interplanetary traffic ensures that contagious diseases are carried from world to world by the ignorant, the wilful and the strong.

What the Plague Doctor seeks to cure is beyond your comprehension, for in the world of man there is but one ailment, the true pestilence.
The very essence of the pestilence is here, he can sense it. Do not be afraid, he is the cure.

GN: It is you who does not understand slopping noises come and give grandfather Nurgle a hug, embrace the rot 😈

Do not resist, you will be cured. I will save you from the true pestilence. It is a cruel judgement, I fear, to be at the mercy of a disease of which you cannot comprehend.
non-co n’yaka-de

Come…join…ussssssssss, through death and decay is liiiiiiiiiiife slopping noises

You will be cured, for I am the cure to the Great Pestilence. It has reached almost everything, I require more living subjects to test the most effective cures on.


GN: Nurgle will make you a prince…of decay!