The Player Observation Thread
I don’t understand why that absolute dumbass finds it so hard to believe like wtf😂
this dude must actually be trolling. no way he can legit be so braindead. same with the not samhain guy
Yh I honestly want to play against his Predator atp. Guarantee he dies within 4 mins.
I don’t have any teams no I will use my pred instead , or you’re scared ?
before I read another word of you guys fake ego tripping, READ MY POSTS and get a life !!!
Wdym am I scared?
You couldn’t even beat just Samhain & 1 other person with 2 Bots as Predator.
I never said anything about playing your Predator in the first place. I just asked if you had a Fireteam because I had an interest in killing a team of Reddit keyboard warriors.
I don’t, so if you want to play against me I’ll play the pred you get to take you’re gay clan of BFs in the forum against me if you want
Who the fuck even are you ? Glizzy gobbler
Someone who is scared of you, Stephanie. :)
Let’s intimidate the rest of the forum, shall we?
Not what I asked you brother. I have no interest in wasting my time setting up a Private Match against a random potato Predator.
Another scared boy , I’m clearly the Boogieman of this forum if you change youre mind you know where to find me kid
It’s always the dumbasses who call people “kid” that act the most like a literal delusional 12 year old.
Brother on a real note you must be trolling. You’re like a child who just started MMA trying to challenge Jon Jones for the heavyweight belt. You’re a laughing stock.
Funny how Stephie has clearly seen how you play, but still considers himself better than you. Anyone who watches gameplay from the both of you can obviously see who has the most skill.
(Not that skill exactly matters in PHG, but since we’re currently sizing up cocks in here…)
The dumbass made an entire thread on Reddit to complain about how I kicked his ass😂
He ain’t got a dick to measure in this contest😂
How so you’re the Jon jones of PHG…Got it!
I don’t think he would be scared to face someone he already beat but ok pal.
Yes kid I’m the boogieman, if you want to ignore the liquid shit in youre pants stop running away from this confrontation
Correction for you I was complaining about the plasma gun, which is the best weapon for predator , and you using only it for 3 games in a row which is a bitch move, but yeah I get it now youre a scared little kid that doesn’t like to go outside of his comfort zone
Go back to wanking on pornhub
Play as FT then. Get out of your comfort zone.
He’s a better pred than you. You flat out suck at it. Your melee is slow, your range is braindead, and you couldn’t control a disk if it had training wheels on it. Stop pretending to be A Tough Guy On The Internet and just get better, jesoos