The Player Observation Thread

Hello nerds and virgins, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas I can play with any of you slam on youre head like I did on that big old @Samhain13 if you want to

you gonna die again ?


We actually did 4 games as I said before 2 were good and 2 were absolute shit and I never said this but there’s audio proof my girlfriend was distracting me, show the first game and again play whenever I got better

I killed you as many times as you killed me also so it’s even 🥵🥵

it wasnt 4 games, you are lying, show screenshot of your 4th game then

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you lost all games while i won all


OH NO!! anyways

lame excuse


U won actually 3 and yes I did 2 games with gladiator I didn’t record that shit but you know it

You played 1 game with glad, vs just me and naskop and lost, after we got a full ft you changed class

I won 3 games becuase it was 3 games


yea i done private games with a girl blowing me

no excuses


Everything is okay, but after watching your performance, most of us here could solo you.


thats not distracting thats motivating also keep crying you’re 2 skulls look good in my collection

play me then instead of talking

I so wanna step in. I miss the challenge.

Do you have a Fireteam

If your fire team is on the same level… we could have new FT wipe record.


This guy is truly something else.

@Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote


I was going to reply but reddit slapped me with a 3 day ban for calling out necros (streamer) for being a jackass

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He just reported you or some shit?

Next thing I know, I’ll be banned for calling another guy in there a r*tard

With a 3 day ban for such low level interaction, I’m assuming the streamer has an in with the reddit mods. Stupid fucks.

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