The Player Observation Thread

He’s definitely full of shit.

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This forum ain’t my whole life let the Boogieman take the time to respond to his victims

They are colorblind. And they have no concept of growth in these experiences. Like Steph for example, that last match he went up against a full team and got wiped. You would think it would have made him want to be better and change up that horrible playstyle he was using, but you know he hasn’t. He’s learned that what he’s used to doesn’t work against competent teams and refuses to change, instead sticking to pubs where that kind of play works 99% of the time. I mean you learn real quick you have to adapt to a better way of play when doing privates, there’s no questioning it, on both sides. Credit where its due, though, Steph accepted the challenge, he did engage and that shows he has much heavier balls than most of these shit talkers. And I think we can accept that fact, at the very least.

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Thank you Madison for youre kind words, now face me and you will feel my heavy balls clapping you’re butt… can’t wait

we have to nuke em all from orbit

it’s the only way to be sure


It’s almost like the fucker has split personality disorder. I’m surprised you didn’t have a brain aneurysm reading through all that shit.

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Just reply to me yourself.

You don’t need to add me on Epic you dumbass, we are both on PlayStation.

I was lucky to have a break in between reading, otherwise I probably would have.

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are you the little poop that comes on my spider man streams and says “play phg?”


But why aren’t playing PHG? Spiderman is gh3y.

shaddup, that game is good and i’m enjoying it


The tendies need to see this. And learn.

i found a new victim in the reddit who says that playing predator is easy

Post 'em. Let’s see the lil spud.

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Oh lawd. Yeah, its easy because he’s fighting braindeads. Also nobody like to talk about their losses, so of course he’s only going to promote his wins. He DOES have a point, it is rare to come across teams that will cause a lot of trouble, but that doesn’t matter, you should know how to play the best ways possible in case you encounter such teams. You can be as skilled as Sam/Voorhees and still dial it down based on who you’re fighting.

Interesting how he claims he has a multi-man team and plays every night, yet his YT channel has no videos or lives of the game. I find that very odd. Also running Mercenary with knife tells me he’s likely a Dutch 87 knife rusher, not the best kind of player in the game.

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pototos potatos everywhere

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The whole comment line with this dude.

Bots or inexperienced players? Cuz I swear I’ve seen him go against his own buddies many, many times in dozens of videos. And he was live just today, so…hm.