according to that guy, gesp and predator1010101 don’t exist
The Player Observation Thread
Troglodyte detected.
I’m almost convinced the majority of these kinds of Reddit users are trolls, they say what they say for attention. Like they can’t be this dumb…
The fact that Madisyn is a guy, makes this super gay.
Oh I’m sure he knew. He strikes me as someone who’s prefers the male body.
Any chance you got a screenshot of the most recent thread? Voz_rey_88 got pissy enough that he was either banned or just deleted his account lol
That guy was weird, been a while since i seen someone so obsessed with the idea of me hacking
I’m thinking he played you again recently and got rocked
i really have no idea who it could be
No, I didn’t. But he’s not banned, he’s still pretty active.
His non PHG comments are, uhm…interesting.
God BLESS the internet. A foot fetish, lmao.
i didn’t think this could get more funny
Oh yes I knew , he looks feminine enough… spread those hairy cheeks now
What’s you’re PSN I’m up to play RN
Message & I’ll let you know when my team is online.
Did you guys kiss in the jungle?
Anyone here have any info about bearfoot_007 and his buddy Ben Novac from the Facebook group? Just curious since I’ve seen them being their usual weird selves on the group, and I ran into bearfoot last night and killed him three times in the match (first, reinforce, then he took the bot). I’ve fought him before, he’s not much of a threat. I’ve read about him using a Cronus Zen, can’t tell if they’re trolling or not, but his knifing speed here seems sussy to me. Still got 'em though.