The Player Observation Thread

Every. Single. Time. He’s gotta be trolling right? I can’t fucking tell, he’s either got a fetish or he’s genuinely suffering from a mental disorder in which case we might want to just ignore the kid.


It’s trollin time fellas

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He just pretended to not know what a fucking username is

Mouth breathers, all of them.

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And now he’s deleting his comments lol

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2025-01-19 09_24_01-Too good at Predator _ r_HuntingGrounds


Jesus christ you’re right. This guy is the biggest keyboard warrior p*ssy I’ve seen in a while on this damn game

Like, I’ve witnessed kids raging on the internet before. I’ve raged at this game a looooooot. But this guy is something else, he’ll talk mad shit but then immediately delete entire comment threads. Is he just venting and then deleting to feel better? Is he scared to ask for help? Is he having shower conversations with himself and hoping no one notices? The world may never know…

… but it’s a great way to blow time at work. I tried posting his name under a worst player list to see what happens.


@Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote @DISK
I made a new account on the PHG Reddit page under my YT name & posted the link to my Wolf Predator Montage in there to see what happens.

I’m willing to bet there will be some hating.


They will probably remove because of self promotion but hard to say it’s been a while

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Sam posts links in there & they don’t get taken down. So does Nomad. It’d be bullshit for them to allow some video links & not others.

That’s true, I think craftsman has had stuff removed I’m surprised Nomad hasn’t gotten stuff taken down


There might be, probably from the usual suspects like bloodedyautja69 and the like. Especially since you’re posting under your actual name now. And yeah, I’ve seen Sam, Nomad and TedtheTerrible post their shit all the time, which is funny because it is in the rules that you can’t promote a social media account, product or service, even if it belongs to the poster. They just don’t care.

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what i never read the rules there


Oh yeah.


Mods there don’t read the rules. I wonder if they even exist.

EDIT: so they have ONE mod, who barely comments or posts on anything, and the last time they commented on the PHG sub was to repost the Illfonic downsizing tweet and the monthly friend finder whatever. Like literally just a plant mod that does nothing.

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Isn’t it just crimson, the same guy who mods the community phg discord?

God I hate this group so much…

And @DISK yeah it’s CrimsonAlpine. I just don’t think they’re active very much since their comments are very sporadic and at least on the PHG sub it’s barely anything other than official news.

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My videos were removed by moderation. I no longer publish my videos there.

I didn’t read the rules there either, although I saw videos there. But I didn’t follow them, maybe they were deleted too. Or can you only publish videos there for the right people?

This is beautiful

It might be removed if they can prove its self promotion, like if the reddit name matches the YT name. Kind of like how Nomad and Sam’s r/user doesn’t give away who they are, so from the outsider’s perspective they’re just some random sharing a video from that known person. Could be wrong though, we’ll see if @Anonymous.Voorhees13’s video stays up.