The Player Observation Thread

bloodedyautja69 has a friend! goes by The-Rizzler-69. the name by itself tells me they’re probably the same age

I attempted to do a typical deep dive on him to find some juice, but, honestly he’s not that bad. Aside from bitching about RDR2 but still calling it a masterpiece (it is a flawless game, for the record), he’s rather normal. He doesn’t excessively talk shit or get into arguments, isn’t downvoted into the pits of hell, and seems rather chill. Definitely the polar opposite of bloodedyautja69, like blooded has no brains at all, this dude seems pretty smart and versed in a lot of games and topics. I will say this though, bro is CHRONICALLY online; I’m only at 22 days ago and he has HUNDREDS of comments on numerous subs and topics. He may be a decent human being and pretty smart but he needs to literally go and lay in some grass somewhere, get some vitamin D and breathe pure oxygen.

I mean, can’t completely argue with him there :P

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This person has an incomplete stance

I prefer to be alone most of the time because personally 2 teamed up ft are in most cases too strong, the missions are too repetitive, teammates can’t be relied upon anyways and are better to be used as meat shields, keeps things interesting, chasing down pred like a blood hound is fun as fuck, game doesn’t have enough features to support constant innovation from game to game common play, most pred players don’t know how to play, also somehow he doesn’t know yes you can 1v1 a pred?

I know better but I do it by choice and actually wanted to figure out a way to kill all other teammates as we spawn from chopper for various reasons, mostly because I’m a self hating fireteam

I wish I figured out true teamkill, last man standing buff + fanatic + double time is a menace

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Wow, vocal

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beer, its okay to feel bad. but you should never take it out on potatos, they dont know any better. why not ask for help? oh wait, there isnt any. because buff fireteam nerf pred.

Wasn’t going to be just potatoes

Its best to be a non-discriminatory FT abuser when you’re a solo runner ;) Its why I’m really sad you can’t have friendly fire with red barrels anymore.

I feel my limitations as a console player keep me from running solo, as when I would try I would get wristblade spammed or plasma’d to death, mostly due to my aim not quite being Samhain level. So now I use the team as aforementioned meat shields. I’m like a raptor, you never see the attack from the side.

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illfonic simp

never changes, he would lick their boots at first chance

Crazy, I’m on PC and I’m not really here for the graphics and finally having some decent optimization after 4 years is ill-timed, I will never not see the game for what it is at a bare bones level so I guess it’s a person to person basis


This is really where that should be geared towards

Now that games look this way it’s not as attractive

@BeerWarrior66 is that you? If so fuck you lol. GGs.

Whoops, yes

I am trying to gather footage for night time comparison

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LOL I thought so. Nice chase, was hoping to heal before dying but that’s okaayyyy lol. Did I give you any usable footage? I was cloaked and hopping around a lot

yeah, I was basically using only night vison at low gamma

Ah nice. I was running ft earlier and tried that on the few night maps I got into, yeah it’s fucked, even on console settings

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night time is just poorly done, night vision doesn’t actually make any sense as well for a multitude of reason and is poorly executed

He really came in bragging that he lost again and I didn’t recognize him.

Can someone explain to me why this guy bothers playing or posting? Does he get off to humiliation? What is that, masochism?

The BloodedYautja69 dude again?

It says so much that this guy tries shit-talking & making up a load of stories but he never drops his username.