The Player Observation Thread

OH MY GOD you guys need to be in this stream. He’s saying he’s killed all of the OGs, the reapers, the rangers, BTL, Bandito, MaskedKane, even Sam. Bro’s saying he’s been blocked from all the communities for “bodying” everyone.

And Voorhees he said he’s down but I didn’t name drop you yet. Having fun shit talking with them. The ego on this man.

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Oh no, he talks like that forgot to mention

This guy couldn’t even beat SuperSpinogaming, what the hell is he talking about

Alright. I’ll probably get online within the next 10 minutes or so.

LOOOL I have no faith that he’s killed any of those people. And alright, I’ll tell him your PSN and to set it up when you are. We’ll see if he does it

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I’ll host it ofc.

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Yeahhh, I’ve never seen anyone so blatantly egotistical.

LOL they’re running four field medics. Jfc.

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I’m online now

PSN is:

Dropped it, waiting for their response

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Thread suggestion, promote thread title from redditor observation to player observation thread


He’s asking for you to friend request him @Anonymous.Voorhees13

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What’s his username again?


I added him

Ok. Lol I’m getting shit on so hard, but it’s alright it’s funny.

He is trying to invite me. Tell him I will host because I am the Predator

what’s his twitch, i just got here

I did. “What difference does it make?”

Ah so he’s one of those r*tards.

Predator is affected by ping, Fireteam isn’t.

LOL he bailed out. He doesn’t want you to have the ping advantage

is it this?