The Player Observation Thread

just played a few rounds with h_unit squad. they complained about a berserker with a katana. please note that they main dutch and dante

and then the next round i had to carry them through against a falconer

I only uninstalled twice

Whatever provokes learning the game in multiple iterations is pretty much what it actually takes by design, I even took breaks and to do that, super early on though

So far, this is the only clip i have for an asshole/toxic player.

Twitch link

and also what’s up with IndoraptorAlpha? is he out to get me?

Been meeting him on the pub lobby for a while now.

He Tbag me like first time killing me? hey’s its a random public match not even a full team, you are a Pred, I’m an FT. what gives?

embed fail…mind giving a link to the clip or twitch account?

Toxic Player cheapnfree

danke, have a great day and have fun hunting

I don’t know if my word really matters, but I’ve played with and against this guy a few times as solo, what I can really say is for sure that if this guy doesn’t get his way, he leaves the lobby, first down? He left, someone chases him down in his second wind? He left. I don’t see much skill around this guy unless you actually full stick with him and basically protect him. It’s sad

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Bro why you getting mixed up in a shit crowd. You’re better than that.

shits and giggles mostly

Understandable. Just, y’know, be better than them.

oh i am better than them in all sense, i dont have to use dutch and dante as a crutch class. and they still die to berserkers with katanas.

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#1 knife-fighting squad here, folks.

They’re live right now. Camped on the roof on Derailed on the first match to knife rush a poor City Hunter in seconds. Another Savage ran with Recon with Tracker and PDLs while his buddies went off and grenade spammed. Like I’m sure they think they’re cool and all and having fun, but they’re literally the embodiment of what makes this game toxic.

@Anonymous.Voorhees13 please find a way to slaughter them, like I desire to see these little boys humbled.

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Well if you want to see me kill them you’ve basically got two options:

  • Either tell them there’s a Predator player you think they should face (me), and get one of them to add me so I can play a Private Match against them
    (Chances are one or two of them will know me somehow & refuse to play me anyway)


  • I get online solely to try to bump into them in Public Matches, which there honestly isn’t much chance of being the case matchmaking-wise

But yes, the only difficulty here is getting me into a match with them.

I’ve actually encountered them quite a few times

They’ve handled deaths and loses somewhat well but they’re philosophy about how the game should be played is detestable

I think in one of my anonymous encounters with one of their random friends is when a bad loss reaction occurred as well as gameplay, I would rather just avoid them personally or just be perceptive to them as I mentioned in previous comments

But also having that much joy in killing random preds is kind of disgusting, I also chase and hunt preds but still am able to feel bad for them in the end

This, savage has problems multitasking, at least with anything but hitting the bong and talking

If you bump into them I’ll review if you decide to record the encounter as I was looking for other peoples perspective gameplay like how Moralez encountered fair yautja

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I asked them in chat. They’re currently hitting the bong waiting for the Pred to arrive.

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Exactly what he’s doing right now, actually. And yeah, their style of playing is deplorable. Like I know they think it’s funny content but they’re literally just bullying potatoes on purpose and griefing them.


I’ll probably get online soon. I ain’t in no rush that’s for sure.

Did they say anything in response to your question?

Also to go along with the theme of observation, I think it might be ok to certain degree for people to have fun with their friends but their should be a stopping point once someone reaches X amount of experience but in this case though where Savage is an older player and given the theme of posts on YouTube from Savage there is little to no sympathy to have from that combination, not even mentioning etiquette because sometimes shit talkers are just having fun too and don’t dive into the game that deeply or really know what they are using may be bad