The Player Observation Thread
Tbf the Pred they just loaded in against will probably wipe the floor with them
YTWLP? God I hope
i don’t recognize the name, are they any good?
oh thats really delusional, pathological liar tier, no suprised cus phg is full people like that, the ego of potatos is crazy
He seems to be so far, he’s given them the most trouble all stream.
“oh no! i was killed by a game mechanic!” come on
I’m almost certain he’s saying this shit to entertain his 8 viewers. They literally just got wasted in minutes, no way he would beat any of the guys he named off.
They don’t want to play you?
@BeerWarrior66 are you making a video on this guy?
Because I am now legitimately tempted to make one myself on my channel.
I can clip his rant earlier about his fame and how he beat everyone if you want and you guys can use it
It’s funny because most of them are literally only there to watch me kill him.
He’s calling everyone stream snipers & clout chasers when he has like 200 subs & I have over 4000.
i’m not sure
Clip anything honestly. That part is good, aswell as the part where he proceeded to tell me he has a wife & kids before having a mental breakdown to me on the mic like a child.
I looked at the stream for a few seconds & noticed they are all being anti-british racists too. Classic r*tarded yank behaviour, no hate to any Americans in here, I am actually very close friends with a few Americans, but these guys really do fit the stereotypical American dumbass archetype that insults British people for being British.
Yes I’m interested with the focus of more commentary and analysis like previous posts so far but with more production value like this for example
Funny how now he’s being nice and humble, talking good about Bandito and actually not shitting on me. Like his whole attitude just changed and is talking good about people
i actually had no idea ou were british until
Yeah that whole chat lit up with tea and crumpet shit. It’s fucking shitty. And they just said they’re not a toxic group, lol my ass
beer got them to privates a while ago, and he killed them both with scar ranged and amazon melee, beer played as ft with them too, outdmg them by a lot, still guy didnt seen aware of what was happening, the skill gap, mostly he complained about beer using plasma but was ok when beer killed them with melee, weird