they’re saying “oh come find us in pubs” but are refusing privates
The Player Observation Thread
Yh screenshot the chat. That will be useful in the future.
We are literally queueing up now to run into them lmao. They said that but secretly hope they don’t bump into any of us.
@Madisyn_Skye he will probably take the stream down off of YT afterwards so yh clip the part where he was claiming to have killed certain ppl & clip the part where he was a narcissistic c*nt towards me
I got you, doing so rn.
Luck was not on my side those original games but I don’t think that’s a bad thing, I don’t think I ever managed to export those games but I’m getting pumped now
It will tell a better story though 😭
He really is the kind of person I wish I bumped into in person & not the internet
I think I already said this before, judging from his social media he seems like an ok guy, but when he has anything to do with games he turns into off-beat tryhard
So basically he’s just a piece of shit coward who only has any sense of self-confidence in a video game where there is no threat of anyone kicking the shit out of him.
Yeah that sounds about right. Also surprisingly common nowadays.
Damn what’d I miss
He complained about the match they lost with YTWLP, he was Amazon Ghost and used the war club and they couldn’t handle it. When I tried to turn it around on them saying a group with so much skill should’ve been able to stop him, he deflected and kept saying the club has no skill. And then he goes on to say how the sickle would have been his choice to use, when the sickle is arguably better in melee.
Yes, basically it is kind of like that, because essentially now we would have to really go out of our way to arrange games
He also plays pred and says quite a lot about that too
Here is the exact link of the match
His history
Who he’s beaten
His bitchfit with @Anonymous.Voorhees13
Holy fuck
He says he’s a full-grown man with a wife & kids but he sounds more like a prepubescent teen. He literally just talked over me the whole time & insulted me before running away, and when he ran away he just started giddily laughing like a little girl thinking oh yeah I showed him
Post the breakdown on reddit
Someone else can do that. If I make any content on this idiot I’m keeping his name anonymous in my video. Nobody knows who he is anyway, if I show my 4000+ subscribers his name & channel they may end up talking more shit to him & giving his narcissistic ass the attention he wants. If he sees the video & reveals himself however, so be it.
I’ll cover it, it will be a weekend project for me though
They will remove because of “Witch Hunting”