Highly doubt he has seven kids and wife. I don’t know any woman who would let their babydaddy behave like this and still be around, let alone knock them up seven times.
(nice collection though)
Highly doubt he has seven kids and wife. I don’t know any woman who would let their babydaddy behave like this and still be around, let alone knock them up seven times.
(nice collection though)
There is no way you are about to tell me that this creature in front of me on this picture is that guy
Oh, absolutely. He has several of these videos if you dig back deep enough.
These are some of the wildest video of hubris I’ve seen maybe ever in this game, fearerchannel wasn’t even this bad nor was even Sharpy
I get that sniping has aspects associated with it in common place within most fps games and I’ve even brought up the concept of ego sniping in the past, inside of Savage’s videos that he’s posted there is a consistent theme of failing to identify headshots, over hyping no scopes and quick scopes, and not actually knowing when to hip fire, hard scope, or quick scope as the situation demands it
I have a hard time with putting out information about the sniper and view the sniper from the aspect of a tool that is actually meant for punishment for certain actions that the predator does as I think sniping is quite unique in the space of FPS games in terms of taking note of dealing damage to predator through predictive actions and punishment through timing windows such as this video where there the branch switch mechanic can be identified as a nuance
I also would put Savage’s concept of sniping vs another player for comparison
(Low Mercy Savage ≠ KoN-bAN-DaToR)
I’ve played with Kon and Savage, they are worlds apart but regardless Kon is still a worthy to mention player for stuff like this
There is no way a guy like that can actually talk that much shit over a headset on a video game, think he’s some kind of tough shit, and take himself seriously. It’s just a whole other level of delusion & narcissism. One of the first things this guy said to me was about acting like a tough guy, when that’s literally all this little bitchboy does with his life on a video game while looking like that. I mean come on he is literally sitting there in flip flops with arms smaller than the average vein in Samhain’s arm, talking shit to people over a video game, and for some random reason proclaiming he has kids & a wife. He looks, acts, and sounds like a child. If he actually does have a wife & kids, I feel bad for the children, and I wonder why the woman enables this lowlife & his behaviour.
The guy also thinks he’s famous or something. Like what? How does he not realise that half his 8 viewers are his friends, and the other half were people literally just sitting in his stream waiting to watch me slaughter him & his team. It’s so ironic, the guy with about 200 subscribers (which are probably only his friends & alternate accounts) telling the guy with over 4000 subscribers that he’s wasting his time & looking for 5 minutes of fame. Come on brother, if I made a video on this guy & name dropped him, it would be the most attention he’d ever get in his life. If anything, I wasted my time trying to give you fuckers some entertainment😂. Heck, this is the first time I’ve heard this idiot’s name get mentioned since 2020 or 2021 when SuperSpinogaming clapped his cheeks & put it on YT😂
It’s also hilarious that he accused me of stream sniping because he was shouting at me so much that he could hear himself through my headphone audio that was reverberating through my mic. Total fucking moron. I didn’t even know his channel name at that point, let alone know what stream to go find to snipe him on. His ego is probably the worst of anyone I’ve ever seen in this game besides maybe Hornhead.
This guy really is the kind of person I would want to force into a ring & drag into deep waters.
Well you don’t need to kill the guy, they kill themselves metaphorically speaking
Sorry you had to go through his playlists to get those videos, that must have been a different kind of torture. But yeah, that’s all he does. Or like today, he sits on rooftops and snipes from afar while his buddies go and engage the Pred, and he barely ever hits his shots. The only other time he does anything is spamming the knife. And he bitches when you spam plasma. I think he legitimately trying to get famous from this game by titling and labeling his videos off of other FPSs such as COD and Rainbow Six. He’s trying to attract the younger crowd who gravitate towards titles like that, and he acts all cringe and goofy trying to be like other, better youtubers. Which is ironic since all the OGs were copying him, as said earlier today.
I wouldn’t wanna kill the guy. It would be more constructive showing him who he really is & how fast his tough guy facade will crumble when he isn’t talking over a headset. He ain’t worth killing at all, that’d be a waste of good suffering, time & embarrassment. He doesn’t just need a physical ass kicking, he needs a mental ass kicking aswell. Especially if he has a family to be taking care of, he should focus on that instead of playing macho big bollocks on a video game.
He is literally the definition of internet tough guy. He’s that Halo or COD player from years ago that would talk the highest level of shit and pump himself up as the greatest player in the world but when you actually watch how he plays you see its bullshit, its a facade for clicks and views. And thus he’s created this massive, massive ego for himself that he wholeheartedly believes.
Yh it’s the narcissism & delusion I can’t stand or get my head around. Like if he was blatantly trolling it’d be easy to recognise & just forget about him again within a few minutes, but because he is just such an egotistical prick, it makes you want to put him in his place & shut him the fuck up.
His ego is also incredibly fragile btw, yk when he joined my lobby initially? That was mere seconds after I sent my message that preyed on his ego. Too bad he doesn’t have the balls to do anything more than scream down the mic like a child at me & then run away, as opposed to putting his money where his mouth is & playing against me.
I guess I struck a nerve either way. I might message him on PSN later to bait him into sending more insults so I can get him banned. That’d be hilarious. Especially if it caused him to crash out on stream.
Probably not needed, I think it’s possible to be in the driver seat and the passenger at the same time
Him and his friends really have no life. They’ve been up playing Just Survive for the last several hours.
maybe the seven kids don’t actually exist
100% they do not. Honestly I can see him being baby daddy to like maybe three kids spread out across his town, but that’s it. No way he has kids or a wife with how his schedule is, dude is chronically online streaming. Can’t wait to see what he does today :)
Also, your boy Dante09k got wasted by fucking Bearfoot of all people.
hence why i dont play with dante. even with his crutch class he’s still a potato
The perfect thing to say to him would be:
“Yk, for a guy who claims to have a wife & 7 kids, you spend an awful lot of time playing video games & screaming at people through a headset instead of spending time with your family.”
Surprised he hasn’t been online today. Maybe he does have some little bastards running around, he just neglects them for like 20hrs each day.
If he hasn’t streamed today, it doesn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t playing off-stream.
Spoiler alert, he was.
Ooooh. That’s interesting. Did you have any further contact with him?
PSN is down