The Player Observation Thread

Would you like a video of the live chat as well during his rant with you? There was a ton of shit talking in there

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Screenshots will do but yh a video of the live chat is fine as long as I can screenshot everything there myself

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just got off a few privates with chevas and SLTavp

i am never playing this game again 💀 apparently i am not anywhere near the predator i thought i was haha

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Did you die?

yyyep. both games

git gud

says the guy that self destructed to AI 😝

but seriously i do need to git gud

Still nowhere near as bad as shit talking Illfonic about never fixing a bug, and then later that same day they release an update that fixes said bug :P

You’re already on the way there, just more practice against those kinds of players will help you. Farming potatoes in pubs like Savage really makes you think you’re hot shit, until you finally get a group that tears up that Predussy with a splintered broomstick.

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Yup. Classic human degeneracy. Cheers for the screenshots.

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If you remain monotone it will be better in the end and creates better references if you isolate

Ah, alright. Not gonna lie I was hyped and excited, so I just let loose.

Although there is actually evidence of shit talk that provokes reactions too though, just for reference

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I kind of have a file on him already lmao

2025-02-06 15_30_48-(1) About LowMercyPredatorHunters - Twitch

He’s actually been calling himself an OG when the game wasn’t even a year old


He really is one lowlife c*nt ain’t he.


Father of 7 kids? Lol guy looking fo welfare on phg


So what you’re saying is, we all need a Fantasma soundboard. Got it.

Jesus christ…whatever happened to this guy anyways? I sure hope he got the help he needed.


Idk why he decided to emphasise to me that he is a father of 7 kids & has a wife, imagine acting like that when you have kids. Absolute manchild. I legitimately feel bad for those kids.

I might be wondering about that now after a little bit of review

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With his 200 subs and average 8 viewers. Lol.

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