The Player Observation Thread

I lift weights too?😂
Resorting to how much you bench online is crazy.
Why don’t you fix your teeth motherfucker?

5 minutes of silence…

you said “weak”, im clearly the strongest person on this forum, use something else incel

Last I checked @Sgt.CellTech takes that one bud.
Face it phg is all you have 😭😂
And @YautjaSymbiote for a gimp.
Broke boy in brazil

clutch is done, he is injured to the point he almost gave up lifting

i was born with already more money than you will ever have

you cant even be anyone in something like phg, you are just another nobody that is still butthurt over me making you my bitch in this game

Hard times create strong people, strong people create easy times, easy times create weak people. – Genghis Khan.

so you can understand why im stronger than most, money isnt everything, its not even something i really care about, but some losers love flexing about it online

If anything I might be one of the most ironic people here, irony isn’t always bad and most people live by the ideology that those who live in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones but no one ever asked me if there was anything wrong with throwing a boulder instead

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Motherfucker you main stream phg 😂😭 highly doubt you have any money at all


i stream phg like once per week, my youtube is a fun hobby, no different than the time you spend on the internet, you dont think have other work? if i said i was born with more money than you should be clear, my family isnt poor here

you guys are so obsessed with phg and I dont even understand how bad you guys are at it and werent even able to monetize on it

  1. i watch sam to get better at playing predator
  2. you should too
  3. all i hear is you gurgling on his nuts
  1. I’m bad at the game.
  2. I don’t watch Sam.
  3. I don’t care because I win when i want to. :D

also follow me on instagram

Stop the 🧢 pamper boy.
Only income you get is from YouTube making phg videos. 😭😂

I have many things on my mind, but I will remain silent because I fear being misunderstood.

you are the one coping and making up stuff, dont even have balls to show yourself like i do

I come online and see 30 replies on here and I’m like OOOOH maybe some good Savage discussion? Did someone from here fight him??

…but no, no it’s another baby crying about Sam. Like it gets old. It’s a lovely Saturday, let’s all go outside and do something instead of shaking the rattle of attention.

Huh. Gonna start paying more attention to him if I ever get in a match with him again, cuz I keep hearing he’s doing all this weird shit. Nice carry though, Xbox guy helped out which is a nice change.

carrying potatos is more annoying now, the buff to pred armor is only noticiable on 1v1 + shit like one shoot combi bug

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