The Player Observation Thread

I am going through a bunch of the games, there are a lot of videos to go through from 2020 and 2021

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So. Much. Crying. Sam, what is it that makes the shitters so hot for you? Are you leaving a vibrating sex toy inside them or what

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Agreed. I’ve literally seen my teammates ignore and run from the Pred while I’m the only one engaging it. It’s like people are afraid to try and fight it.

Also PSN is back up, at least for me. Gonna hop in some games.

Bumped onto Deez again, I killed the pred, he called pred a bitch over dying fast

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My gf would be jealous of that

I just had a match with him too. He got killed by the Pred who was a little kid, then trashed talked him post match calling him a little f*g and before rage quitting. And this is a grown man, given his voice.

Yea he is a adult

I never got why people need to start trash talk on voice chat, like I get frustation, this game has pissed me off, but just leave the game quiet, I hate noise

Here’s the match. Dude is just pissed because he lost to a little boy.

Very pissed.


Yo what the fuck

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AaaahahahahaH. What a sperg.

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where is that, i can’t find it in the feed

Same. Reddit hides shit constantly

maybe he deleted it? i wouldn’t be surprised

@DEEZKNUGHTZ you’re actual dog shit, imagine dying to a kid predator (which is incredibly hard to do) and then getting salty because your simply that bad. and fireteam isn’t even that difficult to play as


That’s right, he’s here too isn’t he?

@DEEZKNUGHTZ DUDE, get a grip. It’s the internet, not real life hunger games. You should probably apologize. Publicly.


Here it is, but yeah he deleted it, likely after I called him out on saying what he said. Context is important, @DEEZKNUGHTZ.


What kind of man gets so pissed off because a child killed him in a video game & decides to say stupid immature shit like “yA sTiLl LoSt” & then call the kid a “f*ggot” numerous times. Heck, he even RQ the game after saying that to the kid. Complete coward.

Then he made an entire rage thread on Reddit to complain about this single child while conveniently leaving out the stuff he said to the kid? And then he deleted the thread because he was called out for it? Even bigger coward.

“Cool guy who doesn’t take video games too seriously” my ass.

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Oh nooo, no, he didn’t delete it at all. He just blocked me. Logged in to one of my banned accounts to check and yep. Also check out this reply.

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What kind of horseshit justification for calling a kid a f*ggot numerous times in a fit of rage is that?

This guy is an absolute narcissistic snowflake. All the kid did was kill him in the game & be loud on the mic. If he doesn’t like kids being loud on the mic he can just mute them.

I couldn’t see that thread on there when I looked on the PHG Reddit page a minute ago. This sad fuck probably blocked me aswell for whatever reason.


Yup this is all I could see on there @Madisyn_Skye

I looked on my other account & I could see the thread so yes this snowflake blocked my other account.

What a clown. Like why be this fucking toxic? Towards a CHILD?? And then block cuz you can’t handle it?

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