The Player Observation Thread

you recognize him by this? btw he was not alone

Iā€™m expecting you to present 1 million facts as usual. šŸ˜„

You said its him, you were replying to my gesp comment.

The innocence, coping hard

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Maybe im just mocking u. Letā€™s make an assumption in your style. If that really was him, I should be dead, right?

you do seem desperate to try it, quite obsessed with me or gesp i dont get, must have a boring life

I could recognize gesp on his scout build customization but thats it. I mean killing gesp or any ft in a 1v1 isnt anything really, specially with some builds, can be done really fast like this:

First time I played vs gesp I won with a viking, and that was when I was bad at this game

As I say: million facts. U do it again šŸ¤£ (bla bla blaā€¦)

Because at the time, he was apparently in a bad state as well.

From the Facebook group. Who the fuck is this dude? šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t know which is worse, Reddit or Facebook.

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Most people there are there for trolling, me included.

Sometimes when Iā€™m bored I would upload a short clip of me playing and say something like
ā€œCronus Zen on PS5 Pro is something elseā€

and then you would see a stampede of brain dead people, rushing towards comments section just to write stuff like ā€œMuSt FeEL GoOd tO uSe CrOnUs iN PuBsā€

and the plot twist is, I donā€™t even have a console.

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Iā€™ve seen your Chronus posts šŸ˜‚ Yeah they get really uppity about that shit. And I know a lot of them troll, and I think this guy is too, buuut not too sure lol.

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Better just ignore

the irony is that we know a lot of console players use chronus and they are still bad as shit, lmao

Anyone here play against these guys?

Caught their livestream last night and today, seems to be a recent PS premade. Rather potato-y, used PDLs last night and today just a ton of grenade spam. Oh and knife spam, all of them just ganged up on a poor Amazon using sickle. Guy canā€™t aim that 10x scope very well either.

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oh beer got them for privatess a while ago and they complained about plasma, then he switched to amazon ghost and still killed them


Lmao ā€œso i can squish them then block himā€

loool i wish i could see that. these guys talk so much shit over mic, and its just grenade and knife spam. thereā€™s a reason they play pubs, against any competent pred they get drained and downed pretty fast. the last match i watched they went against a berserker with combi and pistol, and they had trouble with it all match until exfil.

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4 year olds who just learned to type.

oh he was streaming but that like last month, the matches were on the dude yt

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The Low-Mercy team?

Pretty sure some of them have backed out on me before.

Theyā€™re just a team of casuals who think theyā€™re better than they are.

They lose to SuperSpinogaming so that should tell you all you need to know about their skill level without even watching them play.


Oh that guy was a massive dick

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