The Player Observation Thread

Loool. Yeah, that does tell me all I need to know lol. Just watching them play and looking at their builds you can see why they run pubs, they can’t handle a competent Pred. Its all knife and grenade spam, they barely use their guns.

He’s an absolute ass, the way he talks on mic. Like…ok, some of his banter is funny, but he and his mates reek of COD tryhard. If you look at his older vids you can see what he looks like, he’s literally a
wangsta kid with a giant weed flag on his wall. He has a sick NECA Pred collection though, I’ll give him props for that.

These fucking titles…360 Trickshotz, #1 knife fighter, give me a break, son

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If they’re on reddit and say they always win, etc etc, yeah probably potatoes. Reminds me of the guy who talks shit on reddit telling everyone ft is the weaker side but won’t tell anyone his name lol

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Oh no, they found low mercy


I dug through some of his lives to find the matches he did with you but I just got bored, bro does the same shit every match. Yeah he wins a lot but the Preds he fights are absolute spuds.

thats a good way to summarize most ft premades

most preds are potato and then they use op stuff of course they win a lot, then they believe they are top tier at game because of it

then the moment they go vs a pred that knows the game work, they go apeshit


Yeah, most of his team uses similar builds, Dutch 87 Reckless with Gearhead and Heavy Hitter, grenades, Sawz, etc. I have seen him lose though, to Preds I’ve never heard of before. He quits out hella fast when he does. Also bro has no life, he’s streaming for the second time today, playing as Pred.

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The lore runs deep with this one specifically, you’ll find that that he is 100% conflicting with nearly everything he says vs what even PSN players who understand private games would know, I have played with him since when I first came to the game 4 years ago

He’s a special case for a few reasons for one despite us knowing eachother and playing for nearly a year strong there was a huge split in philosophies from the time he tries to get popular on COD and when I continued to play, there are many crossroads and that I come across when it comes to hunting predators and using sniper rifles and when I had played with him he had spoke about topics as if we have the same viewpoints and takes on stuff, I do not at all, he is essentially the embodiment of stigma I’ve seen people have with Sam

I came across his channel by chance again maybe a year ago and saw that he was a walking red flag and the first game I played with him maybe a few months ago did not go that good, I severely had shit luck and everything that could go wrong went wrong, since then I reviewed what I had and I was actually in the wrong for bringing ranged in the match because of the specific parameters he wanted, but what surfaced from that was the quintessential mindset and current under developed model of player most people people would actively avoid

I don’t really hate this guy and everything about him irl seems fine, it’s just when he plays the game shit turns weird and into a accute flavor of tryhard and strange hubris

I guess him hunting preds is him roleplaying, he claims to not take the game seriously which is conflicting with how he communicates and his behavior which is I think most people who write off at surface level as obvious tryhard but takes a bit of digging to decern from “fun”, when I play with him I will more than often just look at him because I’m absolutely fascinated


He does seem fine irl, and I don’t hate him either, I mean hate is a strong word, nobody should HATE anyone else who plays this game, but yeah shit turns weird watching him because he is ALWAYS TALKING. Like he has an open mic and is always talking shit and saying weird phrases that I would see GTA Online creators say to attract kids to their channel. Tryhard is very much the word I would use for him, I mean yes he is obviously having fun but as you said that conflicts with how he and his team behaves, both verbally and in game. In watching him, he seems to be treating the game like other popular shooters like COD and CS, wanting to attract a younger audience with keywords like quick scopez and using excessive emojis, and, I don’t think this game will do that for him. And his playstyle is indeed very odd, especially as Pred, he’s constantly challenging players to knife fights; he just now finished a game where he went EIGHT MINUTES with a Dante having a knife fight, allowing him to heal and revive. He eventually lost the match, but I just see it as unnecessary.

What fascinates you about him, if I may ask? I just find him to be annoying and would not otherwise watch him if not for him being the topic of current discussion.

EDIT: for those who follow Reddit, he’s on FT going against DEEZKNUGHTZ. They’re playing spin the bottle. I’m dead serious. It was funny, I’ll give them that lol.

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He is an absolute spectacle there is no one more obnoxious and resent-able when it comes to the simplest of things in the game, he is so far on the opposite end of barrel it’s nothing short of impressive to the likes of even Rombak and Fantasma

The base game shouldn’t be that interesting to the point where people like low mercy and the likes to have a pressing gravitas in public games or at least nearly every game

He has a lot of confidence because he feels he changed the competitive nature of phg, he feels he was the one who is responsible for the barrels not doing damage to teammates anymore on instant explosion, he says he’s the reason that the stabbers game mode exists in private games, he feels that he personally has direct sway over the environment, it seems as though he left phg to go to COD because he wasn’t getting the recognition he wanted, there’s also some weird shit how he talks about tournaments and he feels some superiority with tournaments that most people don’t actually care about

The allure about him is that he is a living case of what not to be, I don’t think he will actually ever come across 4 competent fireteam vs his pred he is another fearerchannel but dialed up a little more

It’s best to just watch from a distance, I basically am treating him like how I would treat people like budclass


@Madisyn_Skye @YautjaSymbiote
Is it normal for you to get notifications about people replying to you on Reddit only for you to try & open the notification & everything fucking disappeared?

This guy made some thread about leap slams so I effectively said if you do it against potatoes you’ll be fine, if you do it against good players you’ll get melted, and if you do it against Elite players you’ll get sent back to the main menu & the r e tard replies with this

So I tap on that to go reply to the dumbass & it just shows me this shit

Either way I don’t get how someone can be so r e tarded they take advice as me trying to act like a tough guy or dick measuring or some shit

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I saw that thread like five minutes ago and was gonna post it here LOL. Of course he would say some stupid shit like this. I watch him and the Low Mercy team play spin the bottle the other day, dead serious. I don’t know why people like him gotta reply like that, like you never even threatened him, you simply said what usually happens to slam users. Can’t tell you how many Preds I’ve second winded or killed from a slam.

And yeah, reddit gets really fucky sometimes. I’ll get alerts like that a lot, either for replies or when the site itself bugs out and just won’t load anything.

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That same guy made a post yesterday or 2 days ago about predators “spawning on top of the ft” and I brought up that I had spawn rushed him and tried to explain the spawn system, fucker deleted his entire thread. Fucking weird.

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Speaking of gay, that OgSteph guy mentioned some shit about killing you with a leap slam in that thread & said you proclaimed yourself as the best on the game. These new Xbox degenerates are truly something else.

They’re so narcissistic that they don’t even want to listen to more experienced players.

Exactly lmao. I don’t even understand how it can be interpreted as some kind of attack on him. It must’ve somehow bruised his ego because he doesn’t want to accept it is only going to work against potatoes in pubs or something.

But even so, I don’t understand how he got offended. These Xbox r etards are purely ignorant narcissists.

Is that BloodedYautja69 idiot an Xbox player too?

Yeah it’s weird asf. It only ever bugs out when I’m getting notified one of these idiots is replying to me but it all works perfectly fine if I’m just scrolling Reddit.

I played vs him, naskop and 2 bots, he was using disk and trident, he got 1 kill

then after with full team he got raped

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Scrolling through his comment history to find out (I seriously lost like 400+ braincells doing this) and he said he owns the game on every platform, but plays primarily on Xbox. So that makes sense. He also says he’s been playing since launch, which, if he has been he would have a better understanding of the game, in theory…?

Cuz how can you be a day one player and say shit like this? Also its clear he has no idea who you are xD You should post a video and show him, just to illicit a response.

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Please tell me there’s video of the last match

i scheduled it for tomorrow