The lore runs deep with this one specifically, you’ll find that that he is 100% conflicting with nearly everything he says vs what even PSN players who understand private games would know, I have played with him since when I first came to the game 4 years ago
He’s a special case for a few reasons for one despite us knowing eachother and playing for nearly a year strong there was a huge split in philosophies from the time he tries to get popular on COD and when I continued to play, there are many crossroads and that I come across when it comes to hunting predators and using sniper rifles and when I had played with him he had spoke about topics as if we have the same viewpoints and takes on stuff, I do not at all, he is essentially the embodiment of stigma I’ve seen people have with Sam
I came across his channel by chance again maybe a year ago and saw that he was a walking red flag and the first game I played with him maybe a few months ago did not go that good, I severely had shit luck and everything that could go wrong went wrong, since then I reviewed what I had and I was actually in the wrong for bringing ranged in the match because of the specific parameters he wanted, but what surfaced from that was the quintessential mindset and current under developed model of player most people people would actively avoid
I don’t really hate this guy and everything about him irl seems fine, it’s just when he plays the game shit turns weird and into a accute flavor of tryhard and strange hubris
I guess him hunting preds is him roleplaying, he claims to not take the game seriously which is conflicting with how he communicates and his behavior which is I think most people who write off at surface level as obvious tryhard but takes a bit of digging to decern from “fun”, when I play with him I will more than often just look at him because I’m absolutely fascinated