The power of macros. Why they need fixing asap (video)

and this is why you disable cross play folks.

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i came back just to say this lol

@Jaeger486 EXACTLY

Please do, that will make the parries predictable and Predators can change up their rhythm instead of having to use positioning or equipment to get around it.

some wild shit though. quality vid. hope the devs look at this.

Now now, we have established that console players are not always the pillars of integrity that they often try to make themselves out to be.

I’m not saying it’s perfect but it’s a far cry from using third party macros just to win in a stupid video game.

A far cry from using third party hardware? It is different I give you that, but not what I would consider to be a far cry from using macros. Some may even consider hardware > software, but can we just agree that the issue is not the system of choice, but more so the players themselves?

Dog will hunt, and all that jazz.

I’d actually say software’s a bigger issue. That’s where you get your aimbots, wall hacks, button macros, etc.
If a console player chooses to use a mouse, is it fair? No. But if he’s still having to aim manually it’s not as bad. Not saying I approve of it though.

I thought we were talking about macros in this case? Anyhow, there is hardware out there (mice keyboards etc.) that can store and run macros on their own, no PC required.

I did not realize aimbots and hacks were part of this discussion. From my understanding those also exist on consoles, they are just much less common.

get a razor mouse that way your not breaching T&C of the game.

Well shit. That would certainly explain some things. I thought some shit was fucked on some occasions, now I know it was. Some straight pussies out there lol. Guarantee they are using this for spam spotting as well.

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Thank you for exposing this.

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Yup, insane damage? Decent chance it’s a macro.
I started looking into this when I came across someone here talking about a strong team so I checked out their twitch and saw the player Unwary break out of a net far too quick for it to be legit.

I’m almost certain it won’t work for spotting because they added a hard lock as to how often you will spot even if you’re spamming the button. Which is what they need to do for the stuff shown in the video…

Figures lol. I wonder why I haven’t seen that quite as much lately. Ever since the patch is has been so spotty that I wondered if it really was just other elements of the game being broken that made me think more was suspect but I guess it really was all along. PC Master Race and yet these ones act like bitches and do this shit lol

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Another example that this game is garbage.


to everyone saying that this is so crazy and that the game is broken and will never be fixed, people still cheat on CS:GO, League of Legends, WoW, Rainbow Six Siege. Every game that is competitive people find a way to cheat. I’m sure Illfonic is working on bug fixes and ways to help with macro detection in game. Things like this can’t be solved overnight and anti cheat can’t immediately find everything players might do.

This game doesn’t perfectly stop cheating! That is how trash it is!

Neither does any other game ever to exist. A poor metric for criticism much less for a game that is still in its early release stage. Calm your hate boner down bud.


Still not as bad as the wallhack, I mean, file edit…

Now if someone could just find a way to edit the files to make the 87’ skin unlocked, then I’d bite.