Wow that 5th FT is to OP or is most likely hacking
Yes YouTube this is most definitely Fallout 4
Also watch me go up against some campers with Field Medic
God that match must have been so boring
these guys were so damn bad. No aim xD
And why didnt you use the Plasma caster? You would finish the game so fast
@Durbs2001 it was quite boring at some parts
I would have used my caster but I was doing the Alpha Monday Challenge
So I couldn’t use a lot of stuff actually 😂
Holy shit, in the end… you said “No” hahahahahahahaha
So are we going to add that meme worthy stream they had. With the mouth breather
It is my belief that if you are a mouth breather NOT due to a medical condition, you are an inferior subclass of humanity, and deserve banishment at the least.
Well thts all our beloved devs. Shit you can hear them all get winded in stream. All those littlw debbies mot sitting well