The Predator needs grenades!!!

It is time to take care of the issue with FT grouping up in buildings. Plasma caster doesn’t do enough area damage and the same with slam. The Predator needs the use of grenades to end this type of game play. illfonic please give the Predator it’s own to do away with grouped FTs.


I would rather they just reverse the slam nerf. And the other bullshit nerfs as well.



Remote detonator avp2. Plasma gernade avp 2010


Fire bombs

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I don’t recall plasma grenades in the 2010 game? He had blades, combistick, caster, disk. I thought 🤔

Loved those remote bombs in Avp2 though I sniped with those bitches 😁

Im down with this idea LOL

Plasma mines that can be set to detonate on impact or remotely

And a wrist mounted flamethrower

Should deal with those pesky campers trying to run the clock out

The only problem I see is ft not being able to complete the objectives anymore because they get blown up whenever they try to

Or make smart disc indestructible

Or pred can mimmick enemy AI and call them in to grief FT


This is exactly why the roof slam nerf was a bad idea at the time. FT grouping in buildings is already stupid as hell, but now Predators have to sit there forever using the caster. You could use the disc, but you really shouldn’t have to bring a certain weapon to be able to play the game normally and you could lose it in a smaller building. If the roof slam needed the nerf, then FTs in buildings need to go with it.


Id like to see those red laser grids like in AVP 2 in the sewers. Stick them on doors of building so FT can’t leave. Not sure what the damage should be or if the should be permanent/destructible/timed out

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Something needs to be done so the Predator can get them out of an area without being overwhelmed

for all the idiots out there that say it’s “not lore accurate”


So laser traps?

Reverse the slam nerf 👍


Just charge up the plasmacaster and shoot walls

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I mean yea plasma caster should melt anything anyway

It can hit targets through walls currently. But pair with motion detectors so you know FT positioning

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Wait it does go through walls? Every time i try it doesn’t do shit

Not the projectile itself but when fully charged the AoE of the shot still hits guys.

But like on the outside wall right?

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This is exactly what I was thinking.