The psychology of PHG: Genisys

We await the second coming of Jebuz~!
ARnold is being slavery to the world because of his status…his praise…his dignity…
but he doesn’t do anything to say that he will return to form!
Even at his ripe old years of 140. We still want him to step out of the cave and back to the land of the popular! and make his way back to PHG 2 or whatever it will be called!!!

Our heroes in Video Games are now some bloke with a beard and a suit holding a vintage lamp from a Carl Farbman catalogue and it makes a fortune. So when will a muscular man come back and say “YOU ARE PUNY” and we all want a chance to play As him!???

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You Mass, it is you who is destined to let Macho free and make the world great again!

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but when?! when is the right time? Christmas? No…thats family time. so fuck you.

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Right now Mass, can’t you see it, the power of the Macho is calling to you, take it, take it now!

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No Ahab. YOu want everything right now and why? for whAT REASON?

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Fine, the world needs Macho at exactly 5:00 PM, if he’s not here at that time, then you have failed us.


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I ain’t afraid of no ghost
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This is an early discussion which will trendsend itself into debate in another thread later today.
But to sum it up,we’ll discuss

  1. opportunities of the DLC
  2. the successes of PHG
  3. the failures of PHG
  4. analysis of other engines
  5. why jebuz needs to return to the entertainment biz

That’s a long list Mass

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I like writing.and i know whats going on enough to articulate and analyze the businesses.

I don’t know that there’s much left to talk about, I feel like those topics have been discussed countless times on here and it’s always the same conclusions. If you wanna add your own input to it that’d be great to hear, but as for a discussion I don’t think there is much of one anymore

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ok,then ill sum it up faster:

opportunities of the DLC

Illfonic’s opportunitized on the fact that, although they do have multiple franchises, their bankability resides on their own fanbases coming in and purchasing the product.
Sources for opportunities also include angel investors and private investors. Both either wanted the optics to help them in their own businesses or just investors wanting to back it because of their love of the franchise.

This produced a football player coming into the game,…blah blah blah some stuff about that football player…yaddayaddaytadaa.

and then the inclusion of lore based individuals whom could only have put their own time into making a DLC. These weren’t inline with movie productions as “Predators” had happened some time ago.
and Alice Bragas’ involvement was produced purely out of investor intent.
DLCs commonly are funded as part of the game but in this particular move, we saw no press release on what time they were ever going to be released. If they did, it would have been said A LONG TIME ago.
Call it what you will, but a game this size on this budget could have never forseen a DLC like Alices’ Isabelle. But here, the intent proves that post released games on a budget does exist if the franchise has more private investors putting in the dollars.

Arnold’s presence was a given.
He acknowledged his involvement publicly in a press release which was either absent prelaunch or was speculative at best. This later tied him into a conversation into doing VO and appearing in the game itself! The DLC would prove successful as hell appearing as a future self and a past self! The only ties to this would be the Predators’ Stalking Shadows book that is released a short time later with an incredible amount of fan praise (myself included).

ALL HOPES resides on his return as the inclusion of his future self means future content based on that book.

the successes and failures of PHG:
I’ll skip this because every ones salty about the problems of the console.

analysis of the engine:
What we can learn from the inclusion of casting/motion capture artists/ narrators
is that one doesn’t need to exist in order for the other to appear. One can be replaced if the other doesn’t appear for whatever reason.
That said, the retention of peoples phsyical appearance don’t have to hold true. Arnold is an old man, and for the purpose of telling a story, doesn’t necessarily need him to appear as he does in real life. A body that is impossible to imagine could be used while using his own voice authentically to provide the audible emotional performance.

Repurposed and updated engines will always appear fresh and if assets can be reuse, i’m sure people will enjoy seeing old content made new.

why jebuz needs to return to the entertainment biz:
Arnold needs to return because the genisys is there and nobody will care if there is new blood right?
That said, anyone in the franchise could and should reappear to make this experience authentic.
It’s almost a play on a lofty goal of film making but if everyone involved puts a stake in this franchise ground in order to appear, you have yourself something everyone will want to see.

Games aren’t part of the union trade so its a personal investment on the part of producers and talent.

and for the most part, the Yautja development has been exhausted as part of their bug fixes budget. If they spend nothing else starting now, they will have every little cent to spend on quality entertainment rather than finicky fanboi wants to customize an alien.

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I ain’t reading that.

fuck you man,now will you read it? see what i do for you!??

