The war club needs a buff

I’ve found uses for all of the Predator’s weapons except for the war club. The war club is the only weapon that I haven’t found to be useful in the slightest. There’s nothing about it that makes it stand out compared to the other weapons.

I think it would be more effective as a heavy damage but slow weapon. Right now, it’s just a slow weapon with very low damage. The war club should be a weapon that should deal the most damage but at the same time it should be the slowest weapon to keep things balanced. Once these changes are made I think it would be perfect to be used by the Berserker as he can risk using a slow weapon due to his large health pool.


i would say currently teh war club needs one of 3 changes

Give it insane amounts of dmg i’m talking the first hit should do 65 dmg the 2nd should also do 65 dmg the third hit should do 120 damage

as it stands right now the weapon doesn’t warrent it’s low speed
this weapon can be parried by braindead players spamming knife swings and is out dps’d by all the best guns and it’s dodgeable by just backpedaling or just sprinting away for the slower classes

this weapon can’t kill players that aren’t woefully unaware i’m talking practically afk potatoe tier players or are trapped by a bear trap

give it a 2ndary L2 attack that has some kind of special quality wether it’s a flashbang a slow effect or an aoe dmg effect to give it some utility use outside of dmg output

3rd change it’s attack animations entirely and re do the weapon from the ground up for what it’s ment to be for cause right now i have no fucking clue what niche weapon this is supposed to be every other weapon has one but this one


dude the club is op, its the plasma pistol that needs a buff

Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking. It would be cool if the first attack slowed the player down or stunned them similar to the effect of getting shot by an arrow.

Maybe instead of a three hit combo, it can just have a single strong attack which takes up all your stamina but causes a lot of damage to the player. Yeah, every single predator weapon has its own niche except for this one. The war club doesn’t really serve any purpose at the moment.

Nah, I find the plasma pistol to be op and it’s already gotten a buff which has made it even more op.
I used the pistol before the 1.09 update and I wiped out an entire team with one.


just playing bro :P

Oh okay lol

club is def the worst wep in the pred arsenal, literally no reason to use other than boredom

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Damn eggo, knew you was trolling, the plasma pistol is straight cancer now…

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lol I know its ridiculous good