I’m still trying to figure out how some players manage to shoot the 1011 so fast and my macro, which does 400 clicks per second, isn’t able to do so.
There are groups of players with knowledge of programs and other devices to cheat in P.H.G.
Hahaha wtf! xD
lol, poor macro.
Damn you got rekt.
Im dying at that prolonged 1v1
Raise skill ceiling next patch plz. Melee sux.
Oh gosh I was thinking I was going to see aimbots but this is legit gameplay, I wish I had a recording but I once no scoped a Predator charging me, I did die but I destroyed his mask, in fact I actually mentioned this 🤔 and tried to test to see if it dose that automatically, it doesn’t so it was dumb luck I shot his mask lol 😂
I tried it with a controller and the clip is empty in like one minute for the 1011.
I think it depends more on the FPS how fast you can shoot.
From my own observations, if I turn up my graphics and get lower fps, it is way harder for me to do rapid interactions like fast knife strikes, opposing to when I’m using lowest graphic settings.
As if the game doesn’t register all keyboard inputs on lower fps, or at least needs some time to process things, which will slow you down in such cases.
laughed heartily especially in moments about the mother of a prostitute hahahahahahaha thanks bro
Good question! That would be pretty interesting to now!
Even though I know that Riktigt_Risig aka @Dexter is clearly not a Macro user, this would definitely settle a few discussions in these Forums!
Yeah , its isn’t related to this thread really , but since they commented I thought I would ask . Considering what has been discussed on here? . Since he only mentioned aimbot
Thats dexter? I was optimistic before , now I know 100% its shady 😆
That’s pretty obvious if you read carefully.
I haven’t been paying attention mate , I’ve been on less . If oldkinghelmet was around esports? Yeah , I’m curious what his and illfonics stance is on macros .
Especially the animation cancelling ones
On a personal level, I rarely use macros (eg back in Battlefield 2 I made a number of communication macros that I could use to send what was effectively a DM to a commander that I was near certain enemy locations, and if they gave me a supply drop, I could blow up more of their equipment). On a company-wide level, generally the use of macros should be relatively annoying/cumbersome in execution for a game like PHG, usually prevention of macro execution is fairly invasive in nature on user’s PCs, and the use of EAC does a pretty decent job of stopping hacks. We have seen reports of some animation cancelling stuff and we’ve been able to replicate it (These can be done without macros, but macros make it more consistent). I can’t comment on next steps, but the combo projectile attacks I’ve seen are not intended gameplay.
What ? So , from what I can understand from this , are you saying they should be annoying to setup to use on this game? As for EAC , macros aren’t hacks? And being invasive to stop macros? Am I the only person that doesn’t understand what is being said? 😁