It isn’t really based off my personal experience.
I tend to do better than most preds, last year tho I was one of the best.
Barely any team could escape from me.
However those who did, before 2.0. I could actually respect because back then it took actual skill to get away.
Now ppl just get away off cheap gimmicks which I hate.
The only counter argument that I can bring to your lore statement, is that preds aren’t at lore level.
They’re weaker.
However, even regarding the lore. You wouldn’t have every pred being bound to the exact same sense of honor.
So I dont like how ppl want every pred to hunt the same way.
Were talking about an entire planet.
They would differ In preferences and techniques.
But I dont really go by lore, I go by balance.
I just want things to be balanced.
I mainly go off the numbers.
The numbers show a huge severe unbalance.
Not only that, pred doesnt have too much to effectively combat multiple people at the same time.
Anyway if it gives you any idea of where I’m coming from, I didn’t start saying ft was op until I started playing ft.
Also, I hate bow hop preds too.
But I understand why they exist.
Vs a good ft with good aim, you need to stay movin.
If we start limiting jumps, or pred fire rate,
Preds just going to get completely screwed over.