There are Predator ships ingame!

Already tried that option since day 1… can’t remember if you were there at day 1 and first two patches where i instantly started to post my guides that i deleted cause people are just being assholes and giving illfonic pat on the back for being braindead and narrowminded … just to point that out… plus yes ofcourse im being an ASS i literally payed 40€ that i could have donated to chairty or used the money for myself and buy food… if i knew this game would run like ass… AND THIS pay attention okay…

THE DEVS actually said their beta test on epic was 6 weeks old which is what 2 months old… and they actually promised the final release or full release will be polished… and that lead me to believe that the actual frames will be fixed… which at the end did not get fixed… actually got worse patch by patch…

Also im also personally done with being MR.NICE guy and letting everyone ride my ass and being like oh sweety im sorry boo hoo… im sorryyyyyy… bla bla bla…

I gave them like so much time for devs and being nice and constantly trying to get them to see about fixes… but its just not it chief…

Also i was just answering this mans question whats wrong with being honest… oh right i know whats wrong… people just became too soft and cant take honest answer XD

Well if they weren’t listening before, I can’t imagine they would bother listening now.
My point Coffee, was you that you aren’t likely to convince them this way and you don’t need to just add negativity to the place we all hang out.
I’m pretty annoyed myself, but I’m trying very hard not to take it out on other members of the community who don’t deserve it. The devs don’t deserve it either. It’s on me to explain to them why I see it this way, not on them to read my mind.

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Okay you are joking now XD… like my post if ur joking about that sentence… seriously… out of all things devs are the ones to be blamed… period.

I already spent full 3 months of me explaining it and i gave up cause everyone was being an asshole…
plus devs being silent is more hurtful than people being ass…

I’m not joking, they don’t.

Look, I’m not defending their choices, they made them and you can think what you want about them. What I’m saying is the devs are just people like you or me who have a job, you can think they’re bad at it but you don’t need to attack them as people.

Do you understand?

They’re not as passionate as you are, they probably like their job and they probably have some huge Predator fans on staff but most of them are just workers, doing work.

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Dude… you don’t need to be a programmer or a smart person to understand this but a director should guide his workers and employees to the actual design… and actually be above of expectation of actual passionate fans… if this game cost 15€ i actually wouldn’t be as mad… or if this was an INDIE studio without license XD

People who hide in shadows at this scenario devs… just show that they are weak mindset, personality, character, ego, and they don’t have their ME… and show they are money hungry gold diggers… and im sorry but this is nit personal attack this is honest opinion… and im not changing my mentality just cause whole SOCIETY became soft

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Whatever then man, enjoy yourself.

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“Nice Knife”

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Time to get serious



“nanomachines son you cant hurt me jack!”

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That’s what this game needs right about now…

god no unless you mean for the predator

I’m talking about the source code of the game itself. Maybe a bit of those nanomachines injected in would do us all some good.

It’ll get on its feet eventually

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I want NECA to make a model of that ship now.


Could you imagine armoring up like the Assassin Predator, so many people would rage quit

How big of a model we talking about?