There are Predator ships ingame!

Screenshot (133)

Dont be angry with me. I just played the tutorial again to unlock the achievement lol.
I dont know why this ship has such a low graphic quality lol

Because its used only once ever and was never meant to be seen from any different an angle.

I want one.

Yeah xD. I want to fly around and destroy the FT with it. lol

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Predator fucking air strike! Parry that bitch!! 😅

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Where there is a will there’s a way

They need to implement it into the multiplayer.

I want a mode where Predator is on a cleanup mission for a failed hunt.

Existing maps can be used

Just place the ship some where and update the model to be crashed/damaged

Also on the map is a dead Predator, his plasma caster and his bio mask

FT must collect as much as possible before extraction

Predator must retrieve the lost tech and destroy the ship. And kill FT.


Yes we need a game mode like this.
Maybe this could be the 15 player with 3 Predators vs 6 FT/OWLF Vs 6 Stargazer agents

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Pred airstrikes confirmed?

The ship is inspired by the one from The predator

Now I want one more.

So I can steal it as FT. 😁

I just want one as a base, so I can collect trophies and display them, you know. Get some swag carpets. Gold pressed latinum bitches

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That would be nice. If we do ever get a ship, I very much hope it has a function like displaying trophies.

A private ship to brood and prepare for hunts during que time. I’d take it even if FT could still snipe me there lol. (illfonic plz no)


In another thread we were talking about how cool it would be if it was like the virtual cabin in Friday. Could have trophies, ways to unlock lore or small advantages by spending Vert to grind something like a blood web.
Personally I can’t wait to have a more detailed progression system and think having each faction having their own base to unlock things at would be a good start. Ship for Pred, OWLF lab for FT.

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I got better answer than @Lazycollinator The devs don’t give a single shit about actual lore and people having fun and immerse as predator… and only want face pace gameplay that ruins people imagination and immersive cause they battle the clock and people at the same time… and not only that also the objectives :)


The devs are ignorant and narrow minded and only want cash grab so they didnt put much work into that ship

Then move on, you’re just adding to their ability to do it in the future if that’s what you believe. Forum activity is a metric used to sell themselves to potential partners, posting here up’s that number. Doesn’t matter if you’re posting criticism, just that you’re posting at all.

Normally I despise, when people tell others what to play, but at a certain point, it isn’t about that anymore. It’s about not wanting to read it constantly, in 5 different threads.

Well my actual plan is to revert their shit head retarded mindsets to actual good mindsets that think about people lifes and vibes and immersion…

If they don’t get the point then they are truly 80 IQ :P

Then make suggestions, you don’t change people’s minds by being an ass to them. (Obviously there are exceptions to this rule.)

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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