I know there is hacks for many things in this game, but I wonder if theres a hack for damage. Someone knows?
There is hacks for damage?
I am asking because a guy with a minigun took me down in 1 second. I am not exagerating, it was literally 1 second.
Maybe a pc hacker, there have been videos of pc gamers hacking the game being able to see you the whole time and shoot through objects etc.
All of them were PC. I know these hacks, I’ve encounter them, unfortunately. But for damage I’ve never seem before. I dont know…
Ah oke, yeah i think it must be a hack or maybe it was something laggy or something this game is almost unplayable in its current state man damn
Yeah, maybe it was laggy, I cant tell. I will keep an eye, but thanks man.
Most likely Macro exploit. Saw a post from a guy exposing it:
Take a look at the bullshit it allows ya to do on PC.
Holy shit! That is ridiculous! It was probably that…
I hope the devs fix this soon.
I am willing to wager most of the macro type of things are also doable on a console when using controllers with “turbo” functionality.
Not condoning or defending this, just reminding folks to blame the player not the system.
I played a match a few nights ago where someone had an pred invisibility hack, even when getting meleed 100% invisible
I hope hacks doesnt destroy this game…
I’m not calling you a liar but I need to see a PS4 controller with a turbo button 😂
No fucking way!
Okay I assume that you are trolling, but here it is just in case you are serious.
There have been programmable/turbo button controllers since at least the NES days, if not sooner. I do not recall if they had any for Atari 2600 or any of the other earlier systems, but I would not doubt it.
And if you buy one of these amazing controllers, support me and click this link to earn me…
I grew up on second hand busted turbo button controlers.
How the fuck are these still in business? Not aftermarket but the ones with turbos.
Edit: WHY
Do if their was you can bet your ass i would download it in a heatbeat with all the support spaming in this game i would 1000% do that just too piss them off.
I don’t know that this would work with a minigun because it spools up.