There should be an option to turn off aim assist.

I’m a console player and I enjoy playing predator but the aim assist makes it more difficult to use his weapon and I don’t remember this being an issue before the relaunch of the game so I’m just asking for an option to turn off aim assist.

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get good

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Tbf the aim assist on console is absolutely shit.

I know its rare for (presumably) new players to make decent suggestions on here but he is actually right, there should at least be an option to turn it off.

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Dude the aim assist is stupid…I tested it and as long as the predator is on screen near you your gun automatically locks onto them😂

I third that, there needs to be an option for this. It only works when it wants to, and when it does its at the most inopportune times. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve tried to aim at a FT in front of me and my bow or pistol whip-snaps to my side instead to aim at some random fucking pig or AI. Same happens as FT, sometimes it’ll track a pig that’s in my FOV instead of what I’m aiming at, sometimes it won’t work at all.


I’m talking about the shitty aim desist for Predator & when it locks on to Boars & AIs as Fireteam. The aim assist only works for Fireteam at point blank range against the Predator, which is why knife exploiting is so broken.

As Predator the “aim assist” forces you to aim at things you don’t want to. The amount of times it has fucked me over by making me shoot at the wrong person is literally immeasurable.


Yep it is absolutely useless. Like I constantly say to people, a more appropriate name would be ‘aim desist’.

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