Thinks that would need a bit more adjustment

Weren’t they having it from the beginning? Maybe I missed something about them.

No it was added


Well, let’s hope that our good girl will get it as well.
I read on this page thought:
That Berserker and Viking don’t have a bullet resistance as well. Maybe because they are supposed to be bullet sponge’s because of their high health?

“Remove the Motion Detector Gun: I mean for real, who came up with that idea to add a gun that shoots motion detectors to find the Pred? I see everybody using this gun as not worthy to be hunted. Come one even I learned to spot on my own and not always spot the Pred but I’m proud of me spotting on my own without any “mechanical help”.”

Nope, not an issue. Never got me killed as Pred. A FT that carries PDLs is a FT that knows how to play the game and can put up a fight, and those that can fight are the most worthy trophies of all. If the PDL is actually proving an issue to you as Predator you straight up need new tactics. I’m running Scout and have been since Launch, being spotted has never been a big issue and the PDL is like our Bear Traps in terms of obvious trap bait that only the blind fall for.

“Fervant: Increased damage while all are alive and standing < this is the breaking point here. Why did it have to be all Fireteam members being alive and standing? Maybe reverse it and make it so that the more you kill the higher the damage will get.”

You can’t be serious. You want the Spec to INCREASE damage when you have LESS FT members to fight. Ghost already gives you a flat 30% melee damage boost that can be added on top of Fearless & Samurai’s nat 5%. On Valk & Samurai they can ONE SHOT any FT memebr at or below 150HP no matter how many are standing and you want a similar kind of power for a 1v1. This has to be bait, nobody could see a 2v2 or 1v1 favouring the Pred in this. The moment even one FT member dies the team starts crumbling. Come on, get serious.

“Bow Damage Adjustment: Maybe adjust the bow base damage or make it so that hits in the chest or head deal more damage.”

Increase bow damage. As in, the weapon that dominated the Pred META for nearly 8 months. The only thing that was able to trounce even Premades without putting in effort. Have some honor, have some pride: don’t hide behind the bow and certainly not behind hopping with it. Some bad blood shit for real.

“Weapon Damage: The damage of some weapons is just insane and would need to be adjusted to a little lower base. Some of the fast-firing weapons are a bit too strong in my opinion.”

Literally the only agreeable point on this list. Everybody gets one. A Glock should not be doing 800 Damage Per Second with a 30 Round Mag WITHOUT stacking Weapon Damage Perks on top of it. Damage does need to be lowered for a great many things, both Fireteam and Predator included. The current META is a game of Fastest Time to Kill, not a War of Attrition. Both Preds & FT are stacking damage high so that both sides can kill the other in under 3 seconds.

From one Predator main since Launch to another… some of these requests are revolting and a showcase of no honor. Asking for FT options to be removed and to buff the best Ranged Pred weapon in the game which carried lesser hunters for over half a year… I just don’t get it. How are people playing Hunter & Elder and always complaining about getting shit stomped by FTs with very obvious plays when us Scouts are out here, being supposedly the weaker class, and having no problems with this. Everything here aside from weapon damage, which is wack, and Valk not having bullet resistance, which is probably a bug, are not problems with the game, these are problems with your playstyle and a good hunter learns to adapt.

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Or cause illfonic doesn’t understand that classes should play differently and berserker in his current state is not actually a tank class lol

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I’m not the bunny hopping technique with the bow and try shooting them and only switch positions when I see fit of it.

And even if you think that the motion detector gun user are worthy. Well, not in my opinion though. I hate when they cluster whole places with this gun it’s so annoying.

With Fervent we also discussed the possibility that damage could be lowered with each dead Fireteam member. Meaning that when one is last man standing Pred should have his base damage to fight the last guy.

And most of the stuff written down is my feeling and opinion. I do like discussing and adjusting if needed.

For Ghost it was just the honest feeling that it could have been a stealth ranged perk instead of encouraging melee which is with specific team pretty risky.

And I’m using the Valkyrie as my main class. Elder feels to slow for me to be honest and I played with hunter for a very long time until I switched to the beast herself (before her nerf she was a total beast. She’s still but would need to bullet resistance to comprehend the lower hp of hers.)

Viking and Berserker get quickly killed even when supposed to be tank classes. Dante is more of tank then them. He should be a Predator instead 🤣

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Valk right now is arguably stronger than she ever was. She can ONE SHOT any FT player that is at 150HP or below with Ghost + Fearless equipped and using either the Axe or Hammer’s Heavy. Which is half of the classes in the game. How can you look at a Class which has the potential to one shot half the enemy roster with a single heavy attack and feel that’s not powerful.

The PDL is not a problem to anyone who knows how to MOVE. It’s super obvious where they are, they only last like 30 seconds and last I checked, just like the UAV they’re not affected by Spotting Perks or Recons. So it’s like a 4 second spot at most. Compared to a Recon running the spotting perk which makes their spots last upwards of 10 seconds. Thats WAY more busted than the PDLs. How are they an issue. Why do they get you? You’re playing Valk, you’re ALMOST as fast as my Scout and have just as much Stamina on top of having superior health & energy. This shouldn’t be an issue. It really comes across as some no honor whining. Same with quitting when you see more than Field Medic. Yeah Field Medics are powerful. But a good Pred can take even a FULL FT of nothing but FMs, no need to run.

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Motion detector gun:
I was a little pissed yesterday because I just encountered team after team that were using it. 😅
But I still think that the number of motion detectors maybe should be limited to a lower number.

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All your opinion. I just don’t often want to deal with 4 Field medics at once even other beta user probably feel sick seeing a full field medic team.

Field medic needs adjustment as well.

I maybe should add that I was pissed in general yesterday, so it could come off as whining even though I’m usually not like this at all.

So, some of the options could be coming from my pissed mindset I admit that. I can always remove the parts of the post for sure.

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It’s not just my opinion. It’s a show of strength that a Scout can dominate a 4 stacked squad of Field Medics. How is it honorable to run from a fight like that when you hold every advantage numerically as Valk. How is that good content for videos or personal satisfaction. Why in this scenario is a Scout able to do what a Valk cannot. There are many things I could say right now in anger for how ludicrous and dishonorable I feel some of these suggestions are, specifically Fervant, but I’m going to take a more diplomatic and collective approach and try and offer some more friendly advice as one Day 1 Predator main to another…

You can do better if you genuinely try against these players and once you start trying, once you get motivated and gain power: you’re going to STOMP on these Fireteams running nothing but Field Medics, nothing but PDLs. Because If I can do it with the statistically the “inferior” class, then you are certainly more than capable of doing the same. You’re never going to get better if you don’t push yourself to overcome what you see as greater threats. If they’re so powerful, than beating them shows that hard work & skill can overcome any numerical advantage. Get strong. Get motivated.

So Fervent from the testing that me and my team did, is currently broken.

The boost is active again if you claim the ft that you downed.

And I believe this is due to the codes they implement to save the perk if you happen to have a rage quitters in your lobby so that they perk just doesn’t become useless.

So they made the code so that perk works with 3 or 2 or even last man standing due to the failsafe they added incase of rage quitters.

Rework should be, does maximum amount of damage with 4 and decrease in effect till last man standing!

Also.your title should say

Things that would need a bit more…/


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So, decided to make a new post that is not under the influence of my “in-raged” mindset.
I hope to ask the mods to delete this one and hope you all will comment your thoughts of adjustment in the new one.
@SomeknowmeasXeno your very welcome to state your opinion in the new one as well. We maybe got caught up on the wrong foot here and I hope we can get back to good terms.
Anyway thanks to those who already made some nice comments and I hope to see you in the next one as well.

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