But, in all seriousness. There are kids on this forum several of which are underaged. Don’t care about the semantics of well this is a rated M game etc. Not the point, this isn’t a porn site nor is it an appropriate setting to post pornography due to underaged kids, gaming site, some people don’t want to see that kind of content, hurts company rep (Although it’s rep is pretty shit anyways and no mods to be found). Why make it any worse.
Plus I am at work last thing I want is to open the forums to check on some stuff and open up porn. Seriously that’s childish stupid shit. So, honestly yeah dumb fucks who want to post that shit can get banned and anyone else too. Doesn’t ruin social media, it’s called punishing someone for doing something they know is wrong.
If people aren’t punished for what they do wrong then it would be like a dude handing out porn to kids and not being forced to register as a sex offender. So, you think it ruins social media to punish those people? Then you also agree that it’s okay to hand out porn to kids?
That’s the kinda stupid shit logic you are putting out by saying we shouldn’t have a standard to what is allowed on forums and expecting crude behavior to be removed.