This game is dying

i’m interested on how they gonna govern this game mode… whats stopping 10 ft players from just ganging up on 2 predators… dont see it being a pretty/satisfactory outcome.

Are u on PC or PS4 lol
On PC the game is literally unplayable not fps or bugs but u cant even find a lobby as predator or fire team and im not talking about queue time
Everytime i find a lobby i get kicked out 9 /10 times this happens else i get an empty lobby with no one in it
So yeah maybe on ps4 its working fine or who knows

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a new map or 2 should happen really soon honestly if anything…Hope its not much longer.

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It’s fine on PSN

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The other predator will be there, it will require teamwork. If you don’t work together you’ll probably easily lose like a FT without any communication

For people saying that this game should have content by now, sure, that is the case; but other games have come out and don’t even have added content from updates, much less DLC. Case in point, Doom Eternal. Game’s been out for 4 months yet has not gotten DLC or even content updates if you don’t count the Pre Planned free battle passes.

The only 10 this game will ever have XD !

Nope there’s 100% a catch to it. The speed at which you would die from concentrated fire from 10 people is hilarious. Two people minimum in a group of TEN would always be shooting you constantly which is already too much for the pred & thats being extremely generous considering 10 pairs of eyes and ears for the FT.

Likely new gamemode entirely. Too bad the AI is shit.

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I don’t understand nonsense kiddo.

Clearly your lack of a valid point shows you’re probably a child 😂

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Lol just get good, I haven’t died by a FT in weeks

What did that have to do with what I just posted?

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If a Predator can’t properly avoid fire they clearly shouldn’t be playing predator. It isn’t hard to avoid getting melted just don’t be a fucking idiot 🤷🏼‍♂️

Let me guess, ps4 with crossplay off.

Funnily enough even on ps4 with controller at the lowest shittiest sensitivity & it being the FT’s first day of playing it would be a miracle for 10 people to not be shooting at the pred genius. Double the amount of current fireteam and then some.
You just need to get good at fireteam if you can’t consistently hit a pred.

Went against full PC teams several times unless stand bluntly in the open you will be perfectly fine. Stop fucking whining 😂 maybe just uninstall

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Imagine not being able to do basic math.

looks like this guy doesn’t know that there are guns with sub 4 seconds kill time LOL or that bolt sniper bullets do 15% of your hp

I don’t think he’s ever played fireteam tbh doubt he even knows what guns exist

Once again you seem to forget there are multiple predators. Can’t argue with a guy that goes post to post picking arguments and can’t win a Predator game 🤷🏼‍♂️

The frequency at which I dc on pipeline is pretty high… If I see pipeline I just jump of the map