This is the plasma caster play that NEEDS to stop......


20 shots with the caster within 10 seconds.

Something needs to give guys…

Could the base (pot shot) caster cost more energy? Or could it do less damage to actually promote full caster charges???

@OldKingHamlet @Courier

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Increase base damage and energy cost so that you can fire 4 times before overload

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Why not just lower the firerate?

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yeesh that’s a tough call right there if we make the base shot cost more energy so say 4 shots overload a hunter when the base damage is… 40-46 depending on Down range and OWLF

a ft member could potentially have 200hp 45x 4 180 so yeah that could work albeit if we make the base shot do less damage than it already does at that point then what damage would be acceptable? 20? that’s half of the damage nerfed so it when then take 7-10 base shots to down FT member?

how does that sound? just doing the quick math here of course lowering the firerate is also an option it’s what they did to the pistol to render it completely unviable

as the only reason predators are doing this is the same reason we used it when the game first came out it’s simply the best weapon predator has atm


And what of the damage ft has?
The ft dps is still way faster.


Anyone have that clip of arnie hiding in a corner while JH’s burning down the forest?

Thats OP.



So they need to increase the energy

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And you got picked up instantly.
So I see no problem.

No one had a sniper?
No one was able to take off his mask?

I’m not trying to be an asshole but ft can do consistent fire with high damage but way faster,
And from multiple angles.


AOE damage and direct damage need a reduction. Plasma caster spammers can easily be punished if someone has a sniper of choice.

This is what the game devolves into when you’re up against a competent team. @ 5:15 and beyond.

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We need that in our life in this game.

I want to also add to this.

Before posting this types of threads on the forums, go back to previous plasma caster nerfs and realize how badly it was nerfed.

I want to also come to middle and accept this:

  • Bring back the one shot plasma (but with a twist that it eats your entire energy no matter the perks + cause overload)

  • Decrease fire rate & Increase damage & Increase the energy cost

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Thanks for taking my video!
Trust me these guys weren’t sniper pros. There are people that land every shot and melt u in seconds.
I was pretty lucky there sometimes. But I trolled around ^^

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This should be an option.
If you want a one shot pc, you can change a customization setting to get it.

As for the second point you made, then I want stronger aoe.

Let’s be realistic… predator players deserve both options without losing one of them after picking other

And if you are asking WHY… well here is why…

Fireteam literally has as of right now like 40% more stuff to play with.

In the interest of balance I say we choose.
Like the one shot works more as as a sniper, the faster one is more aoe focused.

Why is this a problem?

Lol. Maybe get gud

this shit cant fly and is sad.

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I know. I should have held my tounge.
