9 preds vs 4 FT in the DLC store.
Throw the shooters a bone. Already not enough people play FT
9 preds vs 4 FT in the DLC store.
Throw the shooters a bone. Already not enough people play FT
Request denied as they have an XP buff and all the daily/ weekly quests.
We have sweet ass skins and the axe. Don’t forget about the axe. 🤘🏻
We haven’t…
Oh yeah I forgot about the axe, so I guess they’re fine with it just like they’re fine with the bullshit on FTs side. They’re also fine with exiles dreads being elders.
I personally don’t believe in using the axe
It’s only for noobs who want to win
I prefer combistick or katana
oh god your unsuspended
I actually only use the axe now to make people cry. 😂
Actually a good excuse lol
Same, but only Randos, and those on my shit list
For a serious answer, Fireteam chracters are actually fine. The only questionable character in terms of overall viability is Dutch 2025 because he’s outdated. Isabelle is a case of High Risk High Reward with massive damage potential. Dutch 1987 and Dante are both very strong and borderline broken.
Would more Fireteam be good? Sure. If they can be balanced, unlike Dante.
I just meant any kind of new things would be nice.
Could be a bunch of 100% cosmetic stuff.
Both of your choices suck.
What, don’t you have access to the sickle yet?
I’m probably a higher level than you retard lol
Er, no.
Even if you ARE above lvl280 (newsflash: ur not), then you are a moron. The alpha sickle is what the war club WISHES it was. Anyone above lvl100 who uses the club instead of the sickle has no excuse.
I’m level 536
Get rekt