but this time folks, I won’t hang myself. Not like last year!
We don’t belong here folks. Leave this place and find peace! and play AFTE!



Go ARnold! Make a Terminator game…oops. little too late now. You can still be in an Alien flick!

AFTE was fun and is highly underrated


I think AFTE made a truely great franchise game without having to break the bank.maybe they almost did but certainly the payoff of making authentic aliens look great using budget hardware is the true win for Cold Iron.
Isolation has a tough spot to top their own game with new ideas, dark descent is the same.
Dark Descent wasn’t graphically intensive at all and probably got slack for using a baked in visual look to the human faces (personally, i can’t stand the look because it infers that one can play this game on a ps3).
AFTE however if they can opt to gradually make a fully funded AAA game with facial animation, still hard to tell, but if they repeat themselves with more levels and story at the same level of detail they might not go wrong there. They left the fanbase with them expecting more and wanting more and i bet their investors may have told them that they could do that or they could reset the creative direction.

One thing is certain, we haven’t gotten an Aliens game using the Unreal Engine 5 at all with RT shadows/amb occlusion/reflection/etc. Except for maybe PHG which their latest update had claimed that these are being used as intended at launch.

is not PvP and it just gets boring really fast

PvE games need constant content to be added on a monthly basis to keep them alive. Missions, maps, story lines. Or it needs to be massively long with side quests and open maps, like RdR2, Cyberpunk, Fallout, etc. to keep it from becoming boring.


It needs to have an engaging storyline first and foremost and QUALITY acting. Not the Robocop Rogue City bullshit which BTW i just finished and …barf. Granted the cinematography was excellent and the rendering engine was by far the best I’ve seen in any game, but everything about the content was a cartoon quality which maybe some people find cool, maybe high school kids like it but I don’t.

But with Unreal 5 and RT, artists are doing less. Its evident when you take a look at Metro Exodus you may find what i’m talking about. Their latest update trashed their whole lighting scheme and opted for RT and everything was cut down to using bouncing lighting which took about a 1/5 of the time to produce quality lighting.

The pipeline for game lighting might be to render it in RT first then bake it or have AI best guess the lighting using RT as a reference. Lighting artists are going to have a tougher time finding work.

personally i think the difficulty options make up for that. some of the higher difficulties can be impossible to beat. facehuggers instakill, warriors and praetorians have seemingly endless health/armor, ammo reserves reduced by pretty much two thirds of the default amount (which isnt a lot to begin with)

and the synth enemies…good lord i shudder to think about the snipers and juggernauts

not to mention the challenge cards. there’s one that can make it where your kit abilities and weapons are disabled, and you only have your sidearm

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agreed.plus lots of sparkle shaders awarded.

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YES!! THERE ARE SO MANY SPARKLE SHADERS! got a full on call of duty gunsmith in the weapon customization stuff. plus, we can MOVE our gun stickers around and MAKE THEM BIGGER!! i like. like if i got a sticker of a pen!s, i would make it as big as possible and make a pen!s gun. @Madisyn_Skye @OCHINCHIN.JP

difficulty is pointless. The point of a single-player game (even if is “co-op”) is the story and the variety of missions.

Even basic games from the 80’s and 90’s like Mario, although had “repetitive” levels, there were puzzles, different enemies, shortcuts, strategies, alternate paths, not to mention there were like what? 8-10 levels per “world” and there were like 10-12 worlds…

Today’s story based games are way too short. 6-8 missions and you are done. You usually finish it in a day, even if you had never played it.

Old games didn’t even have a difficulty. It was what it was and you had to suck it and play through it. None of that “put it in hard to make it last longer” … that’s like putting a numbing agent on your c0ck because you are not a good fuck.

Disagreed. AFTE places tremendous value in live mic comms and if you don’t work as a team then you’re screwed on the higher diff levels. If you don’t have the stomach to talk to each other then you miss out on how rewarding the social experience is. Microphones on discord will make or break your tactical on extreme/ Insane difficulty.


todays story games are getting worse and worse. the only ones worth playing now is stuff like god of war, elden ring, spider man, MAYBE cyberpunk (if its finally been fixed. from what ive heard its a buggy mess)

honestly id rather try my luck on higher difficulties on a game ive already beaten. AFTE is certainly one of those in my opinion, going back to the enemy damage/health buffs and fireteam nerfs i described earlier. if you dont work as a team, you’re dead even if its just the “intense” difficulty. game over man, game over.

for reference, the modes are (from what i remember):

  • easy/story focused
  • normal (default)
  • intense
  • extreme
  • insane

yeah. the in-game voice chat on that game is ridiculously bad

HorizonZeroDawn.HorizonForbiddenewest = a universe worth paying for
This game is a nod to Frank Herbert’s Butlerian Jihad.

Theres an ingame voice chat? is that on PS? i never used it. Frankly i didn’t knw there was a voice chat available.thank god for discrord!

yeah there was. at least for me (i played on ps4)

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well not that it really matters, but is there cross play on the comms(that is are PC players using built in comms)? or just playability? For me on PC, I didn’t depend on the ingame comms like i did on PHG.
There in lays the difference. I felt on PHG, the built in comms simplified crossplay commincation, but from time to time people told me to jump into Discord. Not sure why though, it just mirrored and echoed everything with a delay. kind of problematic but people wanted to watch us play because you can stream your gameplay through discord.

It seems everyone relies on discord no matter the platforrm.

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i don’t use discord

to preserve what little mental health i have left i am limited to facebook, reddit, and this hellhole

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