To avoid waiting Ques

The major problem about this game is the time to find a match.

May be Illfonic can create a public mode where we can stay with the same players and we can relaunch the game without returning to the main menu.

Like private mode, the players in the loby will be have the possibility to choice Predator or FT. With this mode everyone can play predator or commando without having to wait for matchmaking in the menu. Now the problem is to find a solution to quickly replace a player who wants to leave the group.


I agree with this.

Also, just move Private matches over to dedicated servers too.


Dedicated server for private is a huge must now a days @Courier.

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Here’s an idea make friends and private lobby, I have over 20 people in my friends list that play the game and we are constantly losing and gaining one player

While I would like the ability to re-up with the same people, it might not be good for the ques.

I suggested using some kind of currency in another thread. Like a challenge coin that the players spend in the exit lobby. It could help keep people from leaving when they die and so I think should be considered.

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may and be should be one word not to be that guy or anything but i had to read that like four to 5 times to get the intent behide what you said.


yes I realized it to late, sorry but my English is not great. Thank you for your correction.

Yeah 100% Agree… more like F13 when the match ends everyone goes back to the lobby to start another match…with this implemented will remove the anoying queue times for pred

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Yep. You’re not the only one wondering why the lobby system that’s available in private matches is absent from public ones. I consider that downright oversight idiotic given the game’s state.

The current matchmaking system is a big problem and has been for months. Especially if you want to play as Predator. Yet, here we are, many moons later with still no solution in sight. The Pred queues are still horrific and no one apart from masochists is going to fucking queue up a minimum of 10+ minutes just play a quick match.

Nah. Instead of quality of life additions, they’re just churning out more Predator DLC and clogging up the queues even further. These developers are hopeless.

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Yep, it’s welcoming to have more DLC but the game need to resolve the basics of online gaming: fast access to play.

Well if you nerf 4 of the players every patch…