To the New Players

So Over the last two days I have run into alot of new players mostly kids.

So if I rip through them in the 1st couple of mins I ease up let the reinforcement. Try to play more stealthy and hunt them rather than obliterate them and make them never want to come back.

If they have game chat at they actively talk to them. Tell them to stick with there team and try not to camp and complete the objectives and so forth.

Anyone else?


Dude, direct them here for my tutorials.


I will. Man. I will

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Yeah I’m sure the new players will load up the forums and read all this


Also I’m teasing don’t freak out haha

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Can only hope ya know?

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Nothing pleases me more than people realizing they can’t hack it then quitting

Winners never quit

Quitters never win


yesh i did that when i used to use a mic but cant talk coz im sick rn lmao

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Ya this isn’t COD or Halo or any other game you fortnite loving, PUG hugging newbs, also stop quitting in the beginning of the match cuz your losing leaving your teammates to fend for themselves you selfish ticks!


Preach! Also I think the name ElderPreddy is pretty intimidating. Your scaring them off.


So I had to recently change my Psn Avatar because I had a rather high amount of pre lobby quitters on mic saying oh no a pre-order player and them back out


It seems that a lot of people got the game for Christmas or in the January sales. James Cameron is encountering one or two of them in most rounds.

It’s weird because it can be good fighting a decent pred with only half an experienced FT then next round get a noob pred who runs right in and suicides. Also seeing a lot of preds doing the teabag of peace lately.

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Lol if only if it was my gamer tag

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You cant change it?

I could but then all my games I played and the saves would be deleted

Shit man, no one be really quitting when they see me, wait maybe like 1 dude and I have a pretty good feeling he’s in this forum but I can’t really tell if he quits when he sees me or genially disconnects from internet issues

It may have to do with me wanting to fight press and shit resulting in me dying really fast but know knows, I don’t think people see the name Beer Warrior as a threat, more or less maybe some drunk who’s going to be staring at a wall all game or something man

It happened again! I outwitted them when they assaulted a camp at the caves map and by me setting traps around the storage bins and after I killed the 3rd guy the last one quit! Cowards!

Last man standing needs some love

Ability to set traps


The heat signature needs to be normal or cooler not hotter