Ubivashka_lol is the new Fantasma

why with all the shit?

can’t stop with one Epic Games account?


He is using audio recordings of fantasma, its becoming a trend by now.


No that was just my russian mate
btw you noticed this WK_NoScopeBlyat ? Thats a toxic shithead isnt he?
Damn git gud Mass, how long do you play this game again?

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I kind of figured you of all people have nothing to do but to suck each others dicks all day long. Go on. keep sucking. Thats what you tell me. Must be the Russian mentality of living in a bombshelter having to suck each others dicks for old mother rusha cuz papito is boss.

I am not russian lol
and why am I sucking off dicks? Because I hurt you mentally by saying “you suck” at the start and at the end of the match?

So that was you. YOu’r banned. i dont like the way you talk to me comrade.

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Yeah that Ubivashka_lol is super toxic and he maybe also using hacks.

WK_Ubivashka ? Played few games against him and never heard a bad word from him. Mayby I was lucky and he had a better day XDDDDD