UFO sightings or nonsense

Experimental, classified aircraft/drones. The U.S only acknowledged the existence of stealth bombers in the first gulf war even though people had seen them for years. If the military admits they have something then you better believe they have something way better that they aren’t admitting to.

The leap straight to aliens or the supernatural is madness.

Lol no I meant compared to what my perspective of the afterlife will be. No hunger. No pain. No tears. Etc…

IDK. Look to the stars at night. Thats all suns like ours with planets which rotate around that suns…

We can´t be alone for 100%. Its not possible for me…

But can we get visitors from the univers? They need to know that we are existing AND they need to travel so much fast and far…

Aliens for shure, but visit of the third kind here at our Earth? unlikely but who knows

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Yeah but we could also be the last of planets!

For all we know we could be looking at what once a start and a star system we dont know

Says the guy who invented the queen alien, the Abyss alien and Dances with Space Smurfs…

Yes. This is all accurate. James Cameron has indeed invented some awesome stuff.


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